Releases: victorsoares96/epubjs-react-native
Releases · victorsoares96/epubjs-react-native
What's Changed
- upgrade react native fs to @dr.pogodin version by @victorsoares96 in #341
Full Changelog: v1.4.6...v1.4.7
What's Changed
- fix(deps): update expo monorepo (major) by @renovate in #277
- chore(deps): update react monorepo by @renovate in #276
- chore(deps): update dependency react-native-gesture-handler to v2.18.1 by @renovate in #267
- chore(deps): update dependency react-native-webview to v13.11.1 by @renovate in #229
- fix(deps): update dependency react-native-screens to ~3.34.0 by @renovate in #228
- fix(deps): update dependency react-native-safe-area-context to v4.10.9 by @renovate in #227
- chore(deps): update dependency react-native to v0.75.2 by @renovate in #251
- fix(deps): update dependency react-native-reanimated to ~3.15.0 by @renovate in #226
- feat(chore): try to remove error of webview by @jorisdugue in #308
- feat: able to change characters per location by @victorsoares96 in #294
- feat: add onChangeSection listener by @victorsoares96 in #293
New Contributors
- @jorisdugue made their first contribution in #308
Full Changelog: v1.4.5...v1.4.6
What's Changed
- 🐛 bugfix: current percentage not working for epubs by @victorsoares96 in #283
Full Changelog: v1.4.4...v1.4.5
What's Changed
- bugfix: onLocationChange not work in some cases by @victorsoares96 in #279
Full Changelog: v1.4.3...v1.4.4
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update some dev dependencies
- fix(deps): update expo monorepo by @renovate in #252
- 🩹 fix: [WARN] Error evaluating injectedJavaScript by @victorsoares96 in #266
- ✨ feat: manipulate annotations by tag id by @victorsoares96 in #274
Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.4.3
What's Changed
- 🩹 fix: scroll top when loc change in scroll doc flow by @victorsoares96 in #257
Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.4.2
What's Changed
🩹 Bug fixes
- Fixes for device rendering of epub books by @kaushil111 in #250
- 🚑 fix: scrolled view not work android by @victorsoares96 in #253
New Contributors
- @kaushil111 made their first contribution in #250
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1
What's Changed
- ✨ feat: introducing annotations by @victorsoares96 in #198
- ✨ feat: introducing chapters by @victorsoares96 in #210
- ✨ feat: introduce bookmarks by @victorsoares96 in #211
- ✨ feat: introduce table of contents by @victorsoares96 in #224
- ✨ feat: able to inject scripts into the bookview by @victorsoares96 in #231
- ✨ feat: improve search term by @victorsoares96 in #213
- ✨ feat: able to change render method and flow by @victorsoares96 in #243
Bug fix
- fix dependency issue by @victorsoares96 in #171
- 🔥 remove expo-file-system as a dependency by @victorsoares96 in #178
- 🩹 fix: mark not working on ios by @victorsoares96 in #181
- 🩹 fix: text selection not disabling by @victorsoares96 in #183
- 🩹 fix: open external link by @victorsoares96 in #185
- 🩹 fix: add mark not working on android by @victorsoares96 in #191
- fix: custom-default-theme-not-load by @victorsoares96 in #236
- fix: on double press not work by @victorsoares96 in #241
- fix workflows by @victorsoares96 in #165
- Update issue templates by @victorsoares96 in #169
- 📝 docs: improve docs and examples by @victorsoares96 in #212
- 🔥 prune: remove useless files by @victorsoares96 in #208
Dependencies Update
- deps: update some dev dependencies
- chore(deps): update expo monorepo
- chore(deps): update dependency expo-file-system to v16
- chore(deps): update react monorepo to v18 (major)
- fix(deps): update dependency react-native-safe-area-context to v4.9.0
- chore(deps): update dependency react-native-gesture-handler to v2.14.0
- chore(deps): update dependency react-native-webview to v13.8.4
- chore(deps): update dependency react-native to v0.73.6
- fix(deps): update dependency expo to v50.0.14
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
What's Changed
- fix(template.ts): Make "onLocationsReady" great again by @Boooober in #105
- Apply patch from #57 by @shlomizadok in #102
- fixes #57 (epubs load on sim but not on real ios) locally serving jszip & epubjs, updated react, react-native and added expo-filesystem dep by @DimuthuWeerathunga in #107
New Contributors
- @Boooober made their first contribution in #105
- @DimuthuWeerathunga made their first contribution in #107
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
What's Changed
- feat: Added a new property to the useReader hook by @Jemeni11 in #73
- Update dependency husky to v8.0.3 by @renovate in #83
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.27.5 by @renovate in #45
- Update dependency eslint to v8.42.0 by @renovate in #44
- 🔨 fix eslint errors by @victorsoares96 in #89
- Use I18nManager to determine swipe direction by @shlomizadok in #88
- Update isURL.ts by @natesanyo in #64
- Update dependency @types/jest to v28.1.8 by @renovate in #67
- chore(deps): update dependency ts-jest to v28.0.8 by @renovate in #91
- chore(deps): update dependency @types/react-test-renderer to v17.0.2 by @renovate in #40
- chore(deps): update dependency @testing-library/jest-native to v4.0.13 by @renovate in #38
New Contributors
- @Jemeni11 made their first contribution in #73
- @renovate made their first contribution in #83
- @shlomizadok made their first contribution in #88
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0