An Advanced Packaging Tool for the PS4
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4PT Template Repository
4PT Repository GUI
App tutorial
Table of Contents
There are many great Homebrew Apps/Games available.
This tool was developed in order for PS4 Homebrew users to easily download PKGs without the need of using a computer.
Furthermore, 4PT allows anyone to host their own repository and provide any apps/games they would like to share.
The current working app features are:
- Downloading PKGs from repositories/directly from a URL
- Ability to pause/resume a download
- Adding/Removing Repositories
- Searching apps, filtering by name, repository, and type
- Sorting apps, alphabetically, by size, or by version
- Install/Uninstall downloaded PKGs
- App has English, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, and German support
- 4PT updates itself automatically
For information on how to use the app, refer to Tutorial
For information on creating a repo, please refer to 4PT-Repository
- Text issue
- Translate Uninstall button, delete keys and pkgtypes, Unknown
- Add Http Authentication Support
- Save on external HDD
- Fix crash when deleting ongoing download
- Compare repo url regardless HTTP
- Filter by region (https://www.psdevwiki.com/ps4/Productcode)
- Add portuguese
- Fix bug that causes the app to crash, after having changed the language and moving to the last page of the search list
- Show speed and time remaining
- Download pkgs while playing games (Optional in settings)
- Show update available in downloads tab
- Fix bug that caused update available to be shown after installing app's latest version
- Improved date string generation by adding a 0 in front of single digit time units
- Fix downloads tab flicker on rapidly changing selected download
- Use full downloads tab
- Fix crash when loading slow and long repo
- Fix bug that causes the app to freeze
- Fix Hungarian automatic detection
- Implement proper App deallocation when pressing the Close Application button on the PS Menu
- Add functionality to download binaries
- get Abstract Class from packageSearch and repoPackageList
- Add a new PKG List view where only covers are displayed
- Support for more languages
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
The app is available in:
To add support for further languages, please contact me or open an issue
This project is built using the Open Orbis PS4 Toolchain and the Yaml-CPP library.
Víctor Jiménez - @victorrjimenezz - [email protected]
I would like to thank 0x199 for helping me with the SSL issue.
I would like to thank the following developers for the developing following projects, which I used to learn how to perform certain actions:
- Remote Package Installer by Flat_z
Learned how to access PS4's native HTTP
Learned how get icon and version from pkgs
Learned how to install PKGs - PS4 Skeleton by Al Azif
Used his jailbreaking tools to gain root privileges
Used his notifi class to send notifications - Vita Album by joel16
Used his keyboard namespace to understand how IMEDialogs work
Used his keyboard namespace to understand how to transform UTF8 <=> UTF16 strings - PS4 Homebrew Store by LightningMods_
Used his dialog method to pop dialogs
Learned how to access PS4's native HTTP
Learned how to install PKGs - tiny-ps4-shell by John Törnblom
Used his method to copy files - OpenOrbis NET_HTTP Sample by Damián Parrino
Used his setSSLCallback method to enable SSL
And I would like to thank the whole OpenOrbis team for developing the awesome PS4 Developer toolchain!!