As you may notice this is a bevy game that tries to copy Superbomberman R, but with low budget.
Bomberbevy is still in the very early stages of development. Important features are missing. Documentation is sparse.
- Audio: Improve audio plugin/systems
- Audio: Add Gameover SFX audio
- GameOver: Improve Gameover Screen
- UI: Show Bomb amount left
- Logic: Improve player upgrades
- Logic: Enemy towards player function
- Logic: Improve GameOver logic
Having Rust 1.51.0 or later is a must for runnning this game.
Follow the Setup guide to ensure your development environment is set up correctly.
# Clone the project
git clone
# Access bomberbevy folder
cd bomberbevy
# Runs the game on the release mode
cargo run -r
Bevy is only possible because of the hard work put into these foundational technologies:
- bevy_egui: a fast library to handle UI
- bevy_rapier3d: 2D and 3D physics engines for the Bevy game engine.
- bevy_kira_audio: replace for bevy_audio
- rand a library for random number generation
Controls for playing this game
- W: Moves the player up
- A: Moves the player left
- S: Moves the player down
- D: Moves the player right
- Space: Place bombs
This game implements a map generation based on a txt
file placed under assets/maps
Make sure you dont put any block on the Player spawn point.
- $: Spawns the Tower wall
- B: Spawns a unbreakable Block
- @: Spawns a breakable Workbench
- C: Spawns a Coin
- R: Spawns a Tower
- #: Spawns a Middle Tower
- Empty Space: Spawns only the default floor
Screenshots of Gameplay