Item Catalog is an item listing program with back end user authorization and authentication.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To get the app running on your local machine just run the following commands in your terminal:
git clone item_catalog
cd item_catalog
# create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install r- requirements.txt flask run
Open a web browser, and navigate to the app at http://localhost:5000/.
Heroku with Facbook and Google Sign in
Azure With Google Sign in
Ubuntu Server Azure VM running APACHE with basic oauth
To deploy on Azure:
To Deploy on Heroku:
Getting Started on Heroku with Python
Add the following code to the Procfile
web: gunicorn app:app --preload
- Python3
- Flask - Flask is a lightweight WSGI web application framework.
- Apache - Apache, is free and open-source cross-platform web server software.
- mod_wsgi - The mod_wsgi package implements a simple to use Apache module which can host any Python web application which supports the Python WSGI specification.
- SQLite - SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine.
- SQLAlchemy - SQLAlchemy is an open-source SQL toolkit and object-relational mapper for the Python
- Victor A.
- Drift - Template Design