This Dockerfile sends JSON tokenized SNMP traps to a kafka message queue
In order to create a structured log of SNMP events in a resilient way
This Dockerfile uses the following open source tools:
- ZooKeeper is the communication backplane for Kafka brokers
- Kafka is the message queue service
- SNMPTrapd listens for incoming SNMP Traps and logs them
- SNMPd listens for SNMP OID requests and returns their values
- Syslog-NG reads in SNMPTrapd logs, JSON tokenizes them, then sends them to kafka
- Kafka-REST provides a RESTful API for kafka message topic consumption
- SNMP-PerMon is a custom written BASH script that reads in a list of SNMP OIDs and then queries SNMPd
- Runit is an alternative init system used inside the docker container to coordinate service resiliency
- Build the container:
- git clone <this project>
- cd <this project>
- docker build .
- NOTE: you can name the image using an additional build switch:
docker build . -t <some name>- NOTE: the '-t' switch stands for 'tag' and docker tags MUST BE lowercase
- NOTE: you can name the image using an additional build switch:
- Run the container
- docker run -d -p 8082:8082 <container image hash> OR <tag name>
- NOTE: you can also choose to name the running instance like so:
docker run -d -p 8082:8082 --name <some name> <tag name>- NOTE: the value of the '--name' switch MUST BE lowercase
- NOTE: If you want to use persistent storage with pure docker, use this command instead:
- docker run -d -p 8082:8082 -v <some folder path>:/data <container image hash>
- NOTE: If you want to use persistent storage with docker swarm, use this command instead:
- docker service create --name ksnmp-server -p 8082:8082 --mount src=<some folder name>,dst=/data <container image hash>
- NOTE: you can also choose to name the running instance like so:
- docker run -d -p 8082:8082 <container image hash> OR <tag name>
- Connect to the service running at localhost:8082 using the Confluent documentation as as reference
- An example script:
(defaults shown below)
- DATA_DIR /data - KAFKA_DATA_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/kafka - ZK_DATA_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/zookeeper - KAFKA_LOG_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/logs/kafka - KAFKA_REST_LOG_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/logs/kafka-rest - SNMP_PERFMON_LOG_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/logs/snmp-perfmon - SNMPD_LOG_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/logs/snmpd - SNMPTRAP_LOG_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/logs/snmp - SNMPTRAPD_LOG_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/logs/snmptrapd - SYSLOG_NG_LOG_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/logs/syslog-ng - ZK_LOG_DIR ${DATA_DIR}/logs/zookeeper - KAFKA_LOG_FILE kafka_runtime.log - KAFKA_REST_LOG_FILE kafka-rest_runtime.log - SNMP_PERFMON_LOG_FILE snmp-perfmon_runtime.log - SNMPD_LOG_FILE snmpd_runtime.log - SNMPTRAP_JSON_FILE snmptrapd_json.log - SNMPTRAP_LOG_FILE snmptrapd.log - SNMPTRAPD_LOG_FILE snmptrapd_runtime.log - SYSLOG_NG_LOG_FILE syslog-ng_runtime.log - ZK_LOG_FILE zookeeper_runtime.log - KAFKA_BROKER_ID 0 - KAFKA_ZK_CONNECT localhost:2181/SNMP - SYSLOG_NG_KAFKA_CONNECT localhost:9092 - SYSLOG_NG_KAFKA_TOPIC SNMP