Why Android Playground 2? Well I messed up the first one pretty bad :P
- Reverse geocode API
- Speech to text
- Android Jetpack
- Jetpack Compose
- Paging
- Navigation
- Checkstyle
- Android App Components
- Activities
- Lifecycle
- Launch modes
- Fragments
- Lifecycle
- Views
- Lifecycle
- Content Provider
- Broadcast Receiver
- Services
- Intent
- Flags
- Activities
- Hilt
- Coroutines
- withTimeoutOrNull
- suspendCancellableCoroutine
- Threading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfQE1ayCzf8&list=PLrnPJCHvNZuD52mtV8NvazNYIyIVPVZRa&ab_channel=CodinginFlow
- RxJava
- Usecase
- Work Manager
- Modularization
- Dynamic delivery
- 3rd Party Libraries
- Widgets
- Text Clock
- Custom Loading Dialog
- Custom Progress Button
- No internet snackbar https://medium.com/mindorks/create-a-network-sensing-activity-in-android-614a1fa62a22
- Image picker
- Camera image capture
- Camera video capture
- Custom camera
- Misc
- ML Kit
- Webview POCs
- Socket connections
- Add Calendar Event
- Custom Notification Sound