This repository illustrates how the methodology from the batching paper can be implemented in Rust --- the lack of GADTs means that fewer constraints can be encoded into the type system and more have to be checked at run time, but oh, well....
You will need a nightly build of rustc
to build this project. It can be installed as:
rustup install nightly
rustup default nightly
Next, clone the project, and then run cargo build
and then cargo run
You can switch back to a stable rustc
release by executing
rustup default stable
Let's implement a counter, the first example from the paper:
struct Counter { value : i32 }
enum CounterOp { Get, Incr }
In order to "batch" this DS, we'll need two trait impls:
First, a BatchedOp
impl to relate operations to their results:
impl BatchedOp for CounterOp { type Res = Option<i32>; }
and secondly, a Batched
impl, that actually implements a batched apply:
impl Batched for Counter {
type Op = CounterOp;
fn init() -> Self {
Counter { value: 0}
async fn run_batch(&mut self, ops: Vec<WrappedOp<CounterOp>>) {
let vl = self.value;
fn reduce(l: i32, r: i32) -> i32 { l + r }
let map = move |op: WrappedOp<CounterOp>| -> i32 {
match op.0 {
CounterOp::Get => {op.1(Some(vl)); 0},
CounterOp::Incr => {op.1(None); 1},
let res = utils::parallel_reduce(ops, reduce, map).await;
self.value += res;
Here we use a little helper library utils::parallel_reduce
to apply
the operations efficiently in parallel.
Having defined all this, we can then construct a batched version of this data structure:
let counter : Batcher<Counter> = Batcher::new();
and submit operations to it in direct style:
let res =;
For example:
async fn main() {
let counter : Batcher<Counter> = Batcher::new();
let mut tasks : Vec<_> =
(1..1000).map(|i| {
let counter_local = counter.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
if i % 10 == 0 {
let res =;
println!("[task {}]: result of getting counter was {:?}", i, res)
} else {
let res =;
println!("[task {}]: result of incr counter was {:?}", i, res)
let _ = join_all(tasks).await;
println!("final counter value: {:?}",;
The Batcher implementation mirrors the OCaml one:
pub async fn run(&self, op : B::Op) -> <<B as Batched>::Op as BatchedOp>::Res {
// create a promise
let (promise, set) = Promise::new();
// wrap the operation with its continuation
let wrapped_op = WrappedOp(op, Box::new(set));
// send the operation to the
// call try_launch to start a worker unless one is already running
let self_clone = self.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move { self_clone.try_launch().await });
and try_launch
mirrors the skeleton of our OCaml implementation, albeit, for simplicity omitting some of the timeout related operations:
fn try_launch(&self) -> BoxFuture<'static, ()> {
let self_clone = self.clone();
async move {
// check if some worker is already running
if let Ok(_) = self_clone.0.is_running.compare_exchange(false, true, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst) {
// if not running, promote self to worker
let mut recv = self_clone.0.recv.lock().await;
// receive all ops on queue
let mut ops = vec![];
if recv.recv_many(&mut ops, 100).await > 0 {
let mut data =;
// run batch
// batch finished, register flag as no one running
drop(recv);, Ordering::SeqCst);
// queue another worker in case there are remaining tasks
tokio::spawn(async move {self_clone.try_launch().await}).await;