- NodeJs
- Composer
- Enables WP minor auto-updates by keeping WordPress out of version control by installing via Composer
- Installs TacoWordPress and AddMany via Composer
composer install
. This installs WordPress, Taco theme, and any other theme dependencies as specified in thecomposer.json
files -
Add your salts and table prefix to the
Add a
file at the root of the repo, with the below database constants:
define(CLIENT_DB_NAME, '');
define(CLIENT_DB_USER, '');
Visit the host to setup the WordPress database. Before installing, remove the
in the url path before installing. -
with staging and production paths -
Check the .htaccess and when setting up password protection on staging environments. A password should be required automatically on Staging 3.
Recommended plugins to install
- WP Yoast SEO
- iThemes Security
- Regenerate Thumbnails
- Broken Link Checker
- WP Super Cache
All development work should be done on a branch called develop
Only production ready code should live on the master
In general, run git rebase master
to pull changes back into the develop
branch and git merge
to merge changes from develop
back to master
Gitlab is set to automatically deploy the develop
branch, and is set to manually deploy the master
This theme ignores WordPress core files. It also ignores the db.php
so make sure this gets manually migrated when the site moves environments.
Run npm start
in the root Taco theme directory (/html/wp-content/themes/taco-theme
) or shortcut-to-taco-theme
to start development on your local machine. The front end cache is busted automatically by webpack whenever changes are made.
Run npm run build-prod
to run a production build locally.
Note: You'll see some deprecation warnings when running Webpack. These are currently expected and should be fixed when the Webpack Extract Text Plugin developers update their plugin.
Fixing Page class to load the correct template on revisions
- Bumping required tacowordpress/util version
- Updating extract text plugin and addmany versions
- Upgrading to Webpack 3
- Some cleanup of default JS and CSS
- First version to be used with PHP 7