Core Changes
- chore: align webpack config node version: #59862
- gracefully handle client router segment mismatches: #60141
- Fix start build log being overwritten by logs from page: #60122
- Allow using ESM pkg with custom incremental cache: #59863
- Fix emitting ESM swc helpers for 3rd parties CJS libs in bundle: #60169
- Move cacheDir logic to getCacheDir: #60133
- Refactor to unify writeFile, readFile, and add readManifest: #60137
- chore: bump
@vercel/[email protected]
: #60172 - fix:
strategy ignores additional attributes in App Router: #59779 - Fix invalid comment: #60182
- Refactor: Separate RSC renderer from SSR wrapping component: #59676
Documentation Changes
- docs: small wording fix for 03-linking-and-navigating.mdx: #60089
- Docs: If
has dynamic segment path,type
must bepage
.: #59149 - docs: improve grammar: #60149
- Fix config code in the CSS-in-JS chapter: #60164
- Updating example with required content type in header: #59990
- Adds a section to
Optimizing: Third Party Libraries
on tracking pageviews for Google Analytics: #60176 - Update route-segment-config.mdx: #60179
- docs: Fix typo on generate-sitemaps.mdx: #60188
Example Changes
- examples: improve typings for i18n app dir: #60160
Misc Changes
Huge thanks to @Haosik, @AkifumiSato, @leerob, @arnabsen, @ztanner, @wyattjoh, @huozhi, @nfroidure, @timneutkens, @clbn, @siddtheone, @housseindjirdeh, @styfle, @zbauman3, @ijjk, @gnoff, @anthonyshew, @alexfradiani, and @CalebBarnes for helping!