This effort aims to create convenient support for Erlang web server for redhat's OpenShift. Development is easier due to OpenShift's scaling, automated builds and deployment but also limits the structure and usage of application.
Exhaustive documentation on provides essential information for usage and deployment. Few additional steps required by erlang cartridge are described below.
- Erlang/OTP 17.5.5 - pre-build
- rebar 2.5.1 - tool for application build
Currently cartridge has been tested with Cowboy web server, thanks to uniform OTP development and file structure, it is assumed that any web server following OTP principles is supported as well.
Create the application in OpenShift, add manifest from this repository, clone applications repository and push your OTP application's code. The cartridge will take care of automated build and deployment. In case you are not familiar with Cowboy and web development in OTP, there is barebone app created for your convenience in /template/.
rhc create-app erl-app
Apart from others, there are two apps running:
test application from /template/
camchat HTML5 based web video conference (which is more proof of concept than actuall application, work is in progress and far from being finished, but hopefully testable)