An attempt at building a scss-like compiler in Javascript. SCSS/SASS is a superset of CSS that provides additional functionality like variables and functions.
For CLI:
npm install mini-sass -g
For programmatic use:
npm install mini-sass
mini-sass [options] <files...>
If no input files are specified, mini-sass will read from STDIN. If no flags are specified, mini-sass will print to STDOUT.
-o, --output <file> Output file (default: STDOUT)
-s, --separate Generate separate output file for each input
When the -o
flag is present, result of compiling all input files will be concatenated into a single file.
When the -s
flag is present, each file compiled will be put into its own file terminated with the .css
mini-sass myfile.scss -o output.css
Will generate a single file output.css
mini-sass myfile1.scss myfile2.scss -s
Will generate two files: myfile1.css
and myfile2.css
corresponding to each input.
Assuming proper installation, load as follows:
var miniSass = require("mini-sass");
There is a single high-level function compile
that takes a SCSS string and returns the compiled CSS string:
var scss = "$var: 2px; div { width: $var; }"
var css = miniSass.compile(scss);
console.log(css) // "div { \n width: 2px; \n }"
- Variables
$var: 20px;
width: $var;
- Nested Styles
div {
background: green;
- Mixins
@mixin reset-list {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
@include reset-list;
This compiler is not entirely rigorous and will most likely fail in certain cases.
First, a lexical analysis is performed, converting source code into a stream of tokens, such as IDs, brackets, etc. This corresponds to src/lexer.js
Then a parser converts the stream of tokens into an abstract syntax tree (AST), a data structure that represents the input as a tree based on a Context-Free Grammer. More accurately, the parser gets the next token in the stream by calling the token()
method. The parser and corresponding grammar exist in src/parser.js
Finally, the generator takes the AST and produces an output string based on various rules (i.e. the features listed above). This corresponds to src/generator.js
- Interpolation
- Partials and extended @import
- Extend API to allow retrieval of AST and tokens
Contributions welcome
This project uses mocha and chai with babel for test located in test/index.js
. Run tests using the following command
npm run test