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This spec introduces a mechanism to transfer funds from one account to another, initiated explicitly by a user of the Vega network. These transfers are not to be confused with the internal concept of transfers which results from event happening inside the protocol, which are covered in spec 0005-COLL.

Allowing users to initiate transfers allows for the following capabilities:

  • A user can transfer funds from a public key A to a public key B.
  • A user can transfer funds from and to a locked account used for staking (yet to be specified) LOCKED_FOR_STAKING.
  • A user can set up a recurring transfer.
  • A user can set up a recurring transfer to one or more reward accounts.


Transfer can only be initiated by a party using their own funds from accounts that they are in control of:

Here's the list of accounts types from which a user send funds from:

Here's the list of accounts types into which funds can be sent:

Delayed transfer

The system should be able to delay transfer. Such feature would be useful in the context of distributing token related to incentives for example. In order to do this the request for transfer should contain a field indicating when the destination account should be credited. The funds should be taken straight away from the origin account, but distributed to the destination only once the time is reached.

Spam protection

In order to prevent the abuse of user-initiated transfers as spam attack there will be:

  • that will limit the number of transfers that a user can initiate within an epoch, see network parameter.

Minimum transfer amount

This is controlled by the transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple and quantum specified for the asset. The minimum transfer amount is transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple x quantum.

If a user is transferring funds from a vested account, if their balance (expressed in quantum) is less than the minimum amount, they should be able to transfer the full balance (note, transferring less than the full balance is not permitted).

Recurring transfers

A party can also setup recurring transfers which will happen at the end of every epoch, before the next epoch begins. These transfers happen at the end of the epoch, but before processing any rewards. Trading or staking rewards to be received for that epoch will not be available to be used by a recurring transfer. Recurring transfers to reward accounts will happen before rewards are paid out.

Recurring transfers (including to reward accounts) are processed in order they were created. This means that in order for recurring transfer B to make use of funds that would received from recurring transfer A, A must have been created before B.

It's possible to cancel a recurring transfer. It's not possible to amend a transfer, a party will need to cancel the transfer and submit a new one in this case.

A party is limited to a maximum of 1 running recurring transfer to any given account. E.g: say we have accounts A1, A2, A3 and party1 which controls A1. Party1 can have a recurring transfer rt1 from A1 to A2 and another one (call it rt2) from A1 to A3. However it is not allowed to set up a recurring transfer rt3 from A1 to A2 with different amounts.

A recurring transfers needs to contain this specific information:

  • start amount uint specifying the amount (interpreted according to the number of decimals specified by the asset).
  • start epoch: at the end of this epoch the first recurring transfer will be made between
  • end epoch (optional): at the end of this epoch the last recurring transfer will be made between, optional. If not specified the transfer run until cancelled (by its creator or by the network as described below).
  • factor, decimal > 0.0 (a factor used with the amount specified for the transfer).

The amount paid at the end of each epoch is calculated using the following formula:

$$ \text{amount} = \text{start amount} \cdot \text{factor}^{(\text{current epoch} - \text{start epoch})} $$

If insufficient funds are present in the source account at the time a transfer is initiated by the network, the whole recurring transfer is cancelled. If the amount is less than transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple x quantum then the recurring transfer is cancelled.

Recurring transfers to reward accounts

Read this section alongside the rewards specification.

When funding a reward account with a recurring transfer, the reward account funded is the hash of the fields in the recurring transfer specific to funding reward accounts (listed below).

When transferring to a reward account, the transaction must include the following:

  • reward metric — the type of reward (see rewards)
  • reward metric asset — (the settlement asset of all markets that will be in scope for the transfer)
  • market scope — a subset of markets in which parties are eligible to be rewarded from this transfer.
    • If the market scope is not defined / an empty list, it is taken as all the markets that settle in the reward metric asset.

A party can further control their recurring transfer funding the reward pool by defining the entities which are within scope. Entities within scope can be either individual parties or teams. When scoping individuals, a subset of keys can be detailed, and when scoping teams a specific set of team ids can be detailed.

To support entity scoping, the transaction include the following fields:

  • entity scope - mandatory enum which defines the entities within scope.
    • ENTITY_SCOPE_INDIVIDUALS - the rewards must be distributed directly amongst eligible parties
    • ENTITY_SCOPE_TEAMS - the rewards must be distributed amongst directly eligible teams (and then amongst team members)
  • individual scope - optional enum if the entity scope is ENTITY_SCOPE_INDIVIDUALS which defines the subset of individuals which are eligible to be rewarded.
    • INDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_ALL - all parties on the network are within the scope of this reward
    • INDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_IN_TEAM - all parties which are part of a team are within the scope of this reward
    • INDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_NOT_IN_TEAM - all parties which are not part of a team are within the scope of this reward
    • INDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_AMM - all keys representing AMM parties (i.e. excluding those directly controlled by parties) are within the scope of this reward
  • team scope - optional list if the reward type is ENTITY_SCOPE_TEAMS, field allows the funder to define a list of team ids which are eligible to be rewarded from this transfer
  • staking_requirement - the required minimum number of governance (e.g. VEGA) tokens staked for a party to be considered eligible. Defaults to 0.
  • notional_time_weighted_average_position_requirement - the required minimum notional time-weighted averaged position required for a party to be considered eligible. Defaults to 0.

A party should be able to configure the distribution of rewards by specifying the following fields:

  • window_length - the number of epochs over which to evaluate the reward metric. The value should be limited to 100 epochs.

  • transfer_interval - number of epochs between transfers, i.e. when 4, funds will be transferred every 4 epochs with the first transfer occurring 4 epochs after the transaction is processed. Must be an integer strictly greater than 0 and less than 100 (this ceiling is for performance reasons and matches the limit on the window_length field).

  • lock_period - the number of epochs after distribution to delay vesting of rewards by.

  • cap_reward_fee_multiple [optional] - if set, the actual amount of reward transferred to each public key during distribution for this transfer will be min(calculated_reward_in_quantum, cap_reward_fee_multiple × feed_paid_since_last_payout) (fees paid since last payout is akin to checking the total fees paid over the last transfer_interval epochs). When calculating how much of the reward each one is getting, if some is left from the applied cap, we recalculate on the remaining balance only for parties that have not reached their cap until the leftover is less than 1 reward asset unit or the maximum rounds of recalculation is 10. If all keys are capped (i.e. the total amount of the transfer cannot be be sent to eligible keys without breaching the cap) then the remaining balance must be left in the reward pool and included in the distribution in future epochs. If this occurs, and the total transferred in a given epoch, this does not affect the size of the next iteration, which proceeds as normal (including decay factors etc.) as if the full transfer has been made. Here, feed_paid_since_last_payout are the total trading fees paid by a party (arising from infrastructure_fee paid, maker_fee paid plus liquidity_fee paid, since the last payout and expressed in quantum units).

  • distribution_strategy - enum defining which distribution strategy to use.

    • DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY_PRO_RATA - rewards should be distributed among entities pro-rata by reward-metric.
    • DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY_RANK - rewards should be distributed among entities based on their rank when ordered by reward-metric.
  • rank_table - if the distribution strategy is DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY_RANK, an ordered list dictionaries defining the rank bands and share ratio for each band should be specified. Note, the start_rank values must be integers in an ascending order and the table can have strictly no more than 500 rows.

        rank_table = [
            {"start_rank": 1, "share_ratio": 10},
            {"start_rank": 2, "share_ratio": 5},
            {"start_rank": 4, "share_ratio": 2},
            {"start_rank": 10, "share_ratio": 1},
            {"start_rank": 20, "share_ratio": 0},
  • At the end of the epoch when the transfer is about to be distributed, it first calculates the contribution of each market to the sum total reward metric for all markets in the market scope and then distributes the transfer amount to the corresponding accounts of the markets pro-rata by their contribution to the total.

Where the reward metric type is "market creation rewards", it is important that no market creator will receive more than one market creation reward paid in the same asset from the same source account (reward funder). Therefore:

  • For each market (for which the proposed may be paid rewards), a list of [market scope, source account, reward asset] combinations that have already rewarded the proposer of that market for its creation is maintained.
  • Any markets in the market scope list for a recurring transfer that are also in the above list as having been rewarded with funds paid in the same reward asset, transferred to the reward account from the same source account, and for the same market scope, will have their total metric set to zero (so they will not be rewarded).

For example, a recurring transfer is defined as follows:

Reward asset: $VEGA
Reward metric: taker paid fees
Reward metric asset: USDT
Reward markets: [market1, market2, market3]

In market1 200 USDT taker fees were paid
In market2 600 USDT taker fees were paid
In market3 1200 USDT taker fees were paid
In market4 5000 USDT taker fees were paid (note that this market is not defined in the scope of the transfer)

If the transfer amount is 1000 $VEGA, then
100 $VEGA would be transferred to the reward account of market1 for $VEGA
300 $VEGA would be transferred to the reward account of market2 for $VEGA,
600 $VEGA would be transferred to the reward account of market3 for $VEGA

Note: if there is no market with contribution to the reward metric - no transfer is made.


A fee is taken from all transfers (except transfers from a vested account to a general account held by the same key), and paid out to validators in a similar manner to the existing infrastructure fees. For recurring transfers, the fee is charged each time the transfer occurs.

The fee is determined by the transfer.fee.factor and is subject to a cap defined by the multiplier transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount as specified in the network parameters, which governs the proportion of each transfer taken as a fee.

As such, the transfer fee value used will be: min(transfer amount x transfer.fee.factor, transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount x quantum), quantum is for asset The fee is taken from the transfer initiator's account immediately on execution, and is taken on top of the total amount transferred. It is paid in to the infrastructure fee pool. Fees are charged in the asset that is being transferred.

Fee are primarily a spam-protection mechanism, so for accounts generating "useful activity" discounts apply.

Transfer fee discounts

Let D stand for transfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction. This is a network parameter that specifies the how cumulated trading fees decay for the purpose of being used to do transfer-fee-free transfers. Minimum value is 0, maximum value is any decimal strictly less than 1 and default it 0.5. Let M stand for network parameter transfer.feeDiscountMinimumTrackedAmount. Minimum value is 0, there is no maximum beyond that dictated by the data type used and the default is 0.001.

For each party and for each asset store the an amount which tracks all trading fees paid and received by the party with transfer fees subtracted and the amount decayed as specified below.

For each key for each asset assume you store a value denoted c. During the epoch k:

  • if the party makes a transfer and f would be the theoretical fee the party should pay then the fee on the transfer that is actually charged is -min(f-c,0). The system subsequently updates c <- max(0,c-f).

At the end of epoch k:

  1. update c <- c x D, i.e. apply the decay factor D

  2. update c <- c + all_trading_fees_for_trades_involved_in, where all_trading_fees_for_trades_involved_in are the cumulated trading fees paid by the aggressive party (taker fees) but also cumulated (with a +sign) the trading fees result from any trade in which the party was involved as the passive party (i.e. their limit order got lifted).

  3. if c is less than M x quantum (where quantum is the asset quantum) then set c <- 0.

We need appropriate APIs to enable the frontend to display the amount eligible for fee-free transfers / correctly display the fee on any transfer a party is proposing.

Proposed command

This new functionality requires the introduction of a new command in the transaction API. The payload is as follows:

message Transfer {
  // The account type from which the funds of the party
  // should be taken
  vega.AccountType from_account_type = 1;
  // The public key of the destination account
  string to = 2;
  // The type of the destination account
  vega.AccountType to_account_type = 3;
  // The asset
  string asset = 4;
  // The amount to be taken from the source account
  string amount = 5;
  // The reference to be attached to the transfer; max lenght 100 characters
  string reference = 6;

  // Specific details of the transfer
  oneof kind {
    OneOffTransfer one_off = 101;
    RecurringTransfer recurring = 102;

// Specific details for a one off transfer
message OneOffTransfer {
  // A unix timestamp in second. Time at which the
  // transfer should be delivered in the to account
  int64 deliver_on = 1;

// Specific details for a recurring transfer
message RecurringTransfer {
  // The first epoch from which this transfer shall be paid
  uint64 start_epoch = 1;
  // The last epoch at which this transfer shall be paid
  vega.Uint64Value end_epoch = 2;
  // factor needs to be > 0
  string factor = 3;

message CancelTransfer {
  // The ID of the transfer to cancel
  string transfer_id = 1;

Network Parameters

Property Type Validation Example value Description String (integer) strictly greater than 0 "20" The most transfers a use can initiate per epoch
transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple String (decimal) greater than or equal to 0 "0.1" This, when multiplied by quantum (which is specified per asset) determines the minimum transfer amount
transfer.fee.factor String (decimal) in [0.0,1.0] "0.001" The proportion of the transfer charged as a fee
transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount String (decimal) greater than or equal to 0 "100" The cap of the transfer fee
transfer.feeDiscountMinimumTrackedAmount String (decimal) greater than or equal to 0 "0.001" The lower bound of transfer fee tracked
transfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction String (decimal) greater than or equal to 0 and strictly less than 1 "0.5" The speed of cumulated trading fees decay for the purpose of being used to do transfer-fee-free transfers

Acceptance criteria

One off transfer tests

  • As a user I can transfer funds from a general account I control to an other party's general account. Such transfer can be immediate or delayed. (0057-TRAN-001)
  • As a user I cannot transfer funds from a general account I control to reward account with a one-off transfer. (0057-TRAN-002)
  • As a user I can transfer funds from a general account I control to a locked_for_staking. Such transfer can be immediate or delayed. This functionality is currently not implemented (so don't try to test) (0057-PALAZZO-003).
  • As a user I can transfer funds from a locked_from_staking account under my control to any party's general_account. Such transfer can be immediate or delayed. This functionality is currently not implemented (so don't try to test) (0057-PALAZZO-004)
  • As a user I cannot transfer funds from accounts that I do not control. (0057-TRAN-005)
  • As a user I cannot transfer funds from accounts I own but from the type is not supported:
    • for accounts created in a futures market, bond and margin (0057-TRAN-006)
    • for accounts created in a spot market, bond and holding (0057-TRAN-063)
  • As a user I can do a transfer from any of the valid accounts (I control them and they're a valid source), and fees are taken from the source account when the transfer is executed (when transfer amount x transfer.fee.factor <= transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount x quantum). (0057-TRAN-007)
    • The fee cost is correctly calculated using the network parameters listed above.
    • If I have enough funds to pay transfer and fees, the transfer happens.
    • If I do not have enough funds to pay transfer and fees, the transfer is cancelled.
    • The fees are being paid into the infrastructure pool.
    • The transfer fee discount is correctly applied with network parametertransfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction(0057-TRAN-014)
    • The fee-free transfer amount is accessible through the API (0057-TRAN-017)
  • As a user I can do a transfer from any of the valid accounts (I control them and they're a valid source), and fees are taken from the source account when the transfer is executed (when transfer amount x transfer.fee.factor > transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount x quantum). (0057-TRAN-011)
    • The fee cost is correctly calculated using the network parameters listed above.
    • If I have enough funds to pay transfer and fees, the transfer happens.
    • If I do not have enough funds to pay transfer and fees, the transfer is cancelled.
    • The fees are being paid into the infrastructure pool.
    • The transfer fee discount is correctly applied with network parameter transfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction (0057-TRAN-015)
    • The fee-free transfer amount is accessible through the API (0057-TRAN-018)
  • when a party makes a transfer and fee-free discount is c = 0, then the full transfer fee amount is paid (0057-TRAN-016)
    • The fee cost is correctly calculated using the network parameter transfer.fee.factor.
    • If I have enough funds to pay transfer and fees, the transfer happens.
    • If I do not have enough funds to pay transfer and fees, the transfer is cancelled.
    • The fees are being paid into the infrastructure pool.
  • when a party paid taker fee g in previous epoch, and transfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction = 0.9, then in the next epoch when a party (did not generate any fees) makes a transfer and the theoretical fee the party should pay is f, fee-free amount is then c = 0.9 x g. If c > f, then no transfer fee is paid (0057-TRAN-019)
  • when a party made maker fee g in previous epoch, and transfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction = 0.9, then in the next epoch when a party (did not generate any fees) makes a transfer and the theoretical fee the party should pay is f, fee-free amount is then c = 0.9 x g. If c > f, then no transfer fee is paid (0057-TRAN-020)
  • when a party paid taker fee g in previous epoch, and transfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction = 0.9, then in the next epoch when a party (did not generate any fees) makes a transfer and the theoretical fee the party should pay is f, fee-free amount is then c = 0.9 x g. If c > f, then no transfer fee is paid. And a party makes another transfer, and the theoretical fee the party should pay is f, then the party is not getting any fee-free discount(0057-TRAN-021)
  • when a party made maker fee g in previous epoch, and transfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction = 0.9, then in the next epoch when a party (did not generate any fees) makes a transfer and the theoretical fee the party should pay is f, fee-free amount is then c = 0.9 x g. If c > f, then no transfer fee is paid. And a party makes another transfer, and the theoretical fee the party should pay is f, then the party is not getting any fee-free discount(0057-TRAN-022)
  • when a party paid taker fee f in previous epoch, and transfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction = 0.9, then in 3 epochs the fee-free discount amount would be c = 0.9^3 x f, when a party makes a transfer and the theoretical fee the party should pay is f1, and f1 <= 0.729 x f, then no amount is paid for transfer (0057-TRAN-023)
  • when a party received maker fee f in previous epoch, and transfer.feeDiscountDecayFraction = 0.9, then in 3 epochs the fee-free discount amount would be c = 0.9^3 x f, when a party makes a transfer and the theoretical fee the party should pay is f1, and f1 <= 0.729 x f, then no amount is paid for transfer (0057-TRAN-024)
  • when a party makes a transfer and f would be the theoretical fee the party should pay then the fee on the transfer that is actually charged is -min(f-c,0). The system subsequently updates c <- max(0,c-f). At the end of epoch, update c <- c x D and c <- c + all_trading_fees_for_trades_involved_in, if c < M x quantum(M is transfer.feeDiscountMinimumTrackedAmount), then set c <- 0 (0057-TRAN-027)
  • As a user I can do a transfer from a vested account to a general account held by the same key without incurring any fees (0057-TRAN-066).
  • If a user transfers funds from their vested account to any valid account other than their general account for that asset, they will incur fees. This includes accounts not owned by the user. (0057-TRAN-069).
  • As a user, I can not transfer a quantum amount less than transfer.minTransferQuantumAmount from any of the valid accounts excluding a vested account (0057-TRAN-067).
  • As a user, I can transfer a quantum amount less than transfer.minTransferQuantumAmount from a vested account if and only if I transfer the full balance (0057-TRAN-068).
  • As a user, when I initiate a delayed transfer, the funds are taken from my account immediately (0057-TRAN-008)
    • The funds arrive in the target account when the transaction is processed (i.e. with the correct delay), which is not before the timestamp occurs
    • A delayed transfer that is invalid (to an invalid account type) is rejected when it is received, and the funds are not taken from the origin account.
  • The spam protection mechanics prevent me to do more than transfers per epoch. (0057-TRAN-009)
  • A delayed one-off transfer cannot be cancelled once set-up. (0057-TRAN-010)
  • A one-off transfer to a non-000000000...0, and an account type that a party cannot have, must be rejected (0057-TRAN-059)
  • As a user, I can accumulate the fees I collect over an epoch. When I initiate a transfer that incurs a transfer fee, I have the ability to view the amount that is exempt from transfer fees through the API. (0057-TRAN-012)

Recurring transfer tests

As a user I can create a recurring transfer which expires after a specified epoch (0057-TRAN-050)

  • I specify a start and end epoch, and a factor of 1, start epoch in the future, until the start epoch is reached no transfers are executed.
  • Once I reach the start epoch, the first transfer happens.
  • The same amount is transferred every epoch.
  • In the epoch after the end epoch, no transfers are executed.

As a user I can create a recurring transfer that decreases over time (0057-TRAN-051) when start amount x transfer.fee.factor <= transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount x quantum

  • I specify a start and end epoch, and a factor of 0.7
  • Until the start epoch is reached not transfers are executed
  • Once I reach the start epoch transfers happen and the first transfer is for the start amount. The fee amount taken from the source account is min(start amount x transfer.fee.factor, transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount x quantum) and transferred to the infrastructure fee account for the asset.
  • The transfer at end of start epoch + 1 is 0.7 x start amount and the fee amount is 0.7 x start amount x transfer.fee.factor.
  • The amount transferred every epoch decreases.
  • After I reach the epoch ?, no transfers are executed anymore

As a user I can create a recurring transfer that decreases over time (0057-TRAN-065) when start amount x transfer.fee.factor > transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount x quantum

  • I specify a start and end epoch, and a factor of 0.7
  • Until the start epoch is reached not transfers are executed
  • Once I reach the start epoch transfers happen and the first transfer is for the start amount. The fee amount taken from the source account is min(start amount x transfer.fee.factor, transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount x quantum) and transferred to the infrastructure fee account for the asset.
  • The transfer at end of start epoch + 1 is 0.7 x start amount and the fee amount is 0.7 x transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount x quantum.
  • The amount transferred every epoch decreases.
  • After I reach the epoch ?, no transfers are executed anymore

As a user I can create a recurring transfer that recurs forever, with the same balance transferred each time (0057-TRAN-052)

  • I specify a start and no end epoch, and a factor of 1
  • Until the start epoch is reached not transfers are executed
  • Once I reach the start epoch transfers happens.
  • The amount transferred every epoch is the same
  • The transfers happen forever

As a user I can create a recurring transfer that recurs as long as the amount is transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple x quantum, with the amount transfer decreasing. (0057-TRAN-053)

  • I specify a start and no end epoch, and a factor of 0.1
  • Until the start epoch is reached not transfers are executed
  • In subsequent epochs the amount transferred every epoch n is 0.1 times the amount transferred in epoch n-1.
  • Once I reach the end of start epoch transfers happens.
  • The transfers happen as long as the amount transferred is > transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple x quantum.
  • After a sufficiently large number of epochs the transfers stops and the recurring transfer is deleted.

As a user I can cancel a recurring transfer (0057-TRAN-054)

  • I specify a start and no end epoch, and a factor of 1
  • Once I reach the start epoch transfers happens.
  • I cancel the recurring transfer after the start epoch, before the end epoch
  • No transfer are executed anymore

As a user I can cancel a recurring transfer before any transfers have executed (0057-TRAN-055)

  • I specify a start and no end epoch, and a factor of 1
  • I cancel the transfer after the start epoch, before the end epoch
  • No transfer are executed at all

A user's recurring transfer is cancelled if any transfer fails due to insufficient funds (0057-TRAN-056)

  • I specify a start and no end epoch, and a factor of 1
  • Until the epoch is reached not transfers are executed
  • Once I reach the start epoch transfers happens.
  • The account runs out of funds
  • The transfer is cancelled
  • No more transfers are executed.

A recurring transfer to a non-000000000...0, and an account type that a party cannot have, must be rejected (0057-TRAN-058)

A user's recurring transfer to a reward account does not occur if there are no parties eligible for a reward in the current epoch (0057-TRAN-057)

  • I set up a market ETHUSDT settling in USDT.
  • The value of marketCreationQuantumMultiple is 10^6 and quantum for USDT is 1.
  • I specify a start and no end epoch, and a factor of 1 to a reward account ETHUSDT | market creation | $VEGA
  • In the first epoch no trading occurs and nothing is transferred to the reward account at the end of the epoch
  • In the second epoch, 2 x 10^6 trading occurs, and at the end of the epoch the transfer to the reward account occurs
  • At the end of the third epoch, no transfer occurs

If the network parameter transfer.fee.factor is modified, this modification is applied immediately, i.e., transfers are accepted/rejected according to the new parameter. This holds for both increase and decrease. (0057-TRAN-062)

If the network parameter transfer.fee.maxQuantumAmount is modified, this modification is applied immediately, i.e., transfers are accepted/rejected according to the new parameter. This holds for both increase and decrease. (0057-TRAN-064)

If the network parameter is modified, this modification is applied immediately, i.e., transfers are accepted/rejected according to the new parameter. This holds for both increase and decrease. In the case of a decrease, existing recurring transfers are not cancelled. (0057-TRAN-060)

If the network parameter transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple is modified, this modification is applied immediately on, i.e., transfers are accepted/rejected according to the new parameter. This holds for both increase and decrease. (0057-TRAN-061)

Given a recurring transfer which is distributed every epoch (i.e. transfer_interval=1), if the parameter of each transfer cap_reward_fee_multiple is set, and if calculated_reward_in_quantum < cap_reward_fee_multiple × fees_paid_this_epoch_in_quantum then the actual amount of reward transferred to each public key during distribution for this transfer will be calculated_reward_in_quantum(0057-TRAN-070)

Given a recurring transfer which is distributed every epoch (i.e. transfer_interval=1), if the parameter of each transfer cap_reward_fee_multiple is set, and if calculated_reward_in_quantum > cap_reward_fee_multiple × fees_paid_this_epoch_in_quantum then the actual amount of reward transferred to each public key during distribution for this transfer will be cap_reward_fee_multiple × fees_paid_this_epoch_in_quantum(0057-TRAN-071)

Given a recurring transfer which is distributed every epoch (i.e. transfer_interval=1), if the parameter of each transfer cap_reward_fee_multiple is set, and if some reward is left from the applied cap, the remaining balance should be recalculated only for parties that have not reached their cap until the leftover is less than 1 reward asset unit or the maximum rounds of recalculation is 10 (0057-TRAN-072)

Given a recurring transfer which is distributed every epoch (i.e. transfer_interval=1), if the parameter of each transfer cap_reward_fee_multiple is set, and if all keys are capped, then the remaining balance must be left in the reward pool and included in the distribution in the future epochs. (0057-TRAN-073)

Given a recurring transfer which is distributed every epoch (i.e. transfer_interval=1), if the parameter of each transfer cap_reward_fee_multiple is set, and the total reward transferred in a given epoch is not spent due to the cap, this does not affect the size of the next iteration, which proceeds as normal (including decay factors etc.) as if the full transfer has been made (0057-TRAN-074)

Given a recurring transfer which is distributed every epoch (i.e. transfer_interval=1), if the parameter of each transfer cap_reward_fee_multiple is set to be <=0, then it should be rejected. (0057-TRAN-075)

If a party sets up a recurring transfer with a transfer_interval field strictly greater than 1, if they do not have enough funds to cover the next payout, the transaction will be rejected. (0057-TRAN-076)

If a party sets up a recurring transfer with a transfer_interval field strictly greater than 1, if they have enough funds to cover the next payout, the network will lock these funds and they will be unavailable for other purposes. (0057-TRAN-077)

If a party sets up a recurring transfer with a transfer_interval field strictly greater than 1, if they cancel the recurring transfer the locked funds will not be released and the next payout event will happen regardless. (0057-TRAN-078)

If a party sets up a recurring transfer with a transfer interval strictly greater than 1 and specifies a cap_reward_fee_multiple. If calculated_reward_in_quantum > cap_reward_fee_multiple × fees_paid_since_last_payout_in_quantum then the actual amount of reward transferred to each public key during distribution for this transfer will be cap_reward_fee_multiple × fees_paid_since_last_payout_in_quantum(0057-TRAN-079)

A recurring transfer to a reward account with entity scope set to individuals and individual scope set to INDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_AMM will only be divided amongst AMM parties based on their score in the relevant metric (0057-TRAN-080)