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On Chain Referral Program Specification


The aim of the on-chain referral program is to allow users of the protocol to incentivise users and community members to refer new traders by voting to provide benefits for referrers and/or referees.

A party will be able to create a referral code and share this code with referees. Referees who apply the code will be added to the referrer's "referral set".

Whilst a referral program is active, the following benefits may be available to members of a referral set:

  • a referrer may receive a proportion of all referee taker fees as a reward.
  • a referee may be eligible for a discount on any taker fees they incur.

Providing a party has been associated with a referral set for long enough, they will become eligible for greater benefits as their referral sets running taker volume increases.

Referrers will also have the ability to increase the proportion of referee taker fees they receive by staking governance tokens ($VEGA).

To create an emphasis on community, collaboration, and competition. Referrers will be able to create a team from their referral set. Teams will have fields which allow them to be visible on leaderboards and to compete for team based rewards.

Note, if a referee wants to compete as a member of a different team, they are able to move between teams by "reapplying" a referral code. However, their referral rewards will still be computed based their original referral set performance and, thus, paid out to the their original referrer.


  • referrer: a party who has generated a referral code for a referral set
  • referee: a party who has applied a referral code to join a referral set
  • referral_set: a group comprised of a single referrer and all their referees
  • team: a group created from a referral_set which was designated as a team. A team will be visible on leaderboards and eligible for team rewards.

Network Parameters

  • referralProgram.maxReferralTiers - limits the maximum number of benefit tiers and staking tiers which can be specified as part of a referral program
  • referralProgram.maxReferralRewardFactor - limits the maximum reward factor which can be specified as part of a referral program
  • referralProgram.maxReferralDiscountFactor - limits the maximum discount factor which can be specified as part of a referral program governance proposal
  • referralProgram.maxReferralRewardProportion - limits the proportion (referee_reward_factor * referee_reward_multiplier) of referee taker fees which can be given to the referrer.
  • referralProgram.maxPartyNotionalVolumeByQuantumPerEpoch - limits the notional volume in quantum units which is eligible each epoch for referral program mechanisms
  • referralProgram.minStakedVegaTokens - limits referral code generation to parties staking at least this number of tokens

Note, if any of the above mentioned network parameters are updated whilst a referral program is active, the active program will not be affected in any way even if the active program breaches the new network parameter value. The new network parameter value however will be checked on any future referral program proposals.

If the community wish to update the referral program limits and apply these to the existing program, they can do so by first updating the network parameters and then submitting a proposal to update the program (adhering to the new limits).

Governance Proposals

Enabling or changing the terms of the on-chain referral program can be proposed via governance. As part of the proposal, the proposer specifies the following fields:

  • benefit_tiers: a list of dictionaries (with the below fields) defining the reward and discount factors from referrals
    • minimum_running_notional_taker_volume: the required referral_set_running_notional_taker_volume in quantum units for parties to access this tier
    • minimum_epochs: the required number of epochs a referee must have been in a referral set to access this tier
    • referral_reward_factor: the proportion of the referee's taker fees to be rewarded to the referrer
    • referral_discount_factor: the proportion of the referee's taker fees to be discounted
  • staking_tiers: a list of dictionaries (with the below fields) defining the multipliers from staking
    • minimum_staked_tokens: the required number of governance tokens ($VEGA) a referrer must be staking to receive the multiplier
    • referral_reward_multiplier: the multiplier applied to the referral_reward_factor when calculating referral rewards due to the referrer.
  • end_of_program_timestamp: the timestamp after which when the current epoch ends, the program will be closed and benefits will be disabled
  • window_length: the number of epochs over which to evaluate a referral set's running notional taker volume
message UpdateReferralProgram{
    changes: ReferralProgram{
        benefit_tiers: [
                "minimum_running_notional_taker_volume": 10000,
                "minimum_epochs": 1,
                "referral_reward_factor": 0.001,
                "referral_discount_factor": 0.001,
                "minimum_running_notional_taker_volume": 20000,
                "minimum_epochs": 7,
                "referral_reward_factor": 0.005,
                "referral_discount_factor": 0.005,
                "minimum_running_notional_taker_volume": 30000,
                "minimum_epochs": 31,
                "referral_reward_factor": 0.010,
                "referral_discount_factor": 0.010,
        staking_tiers: [
                "minimum_staked_tokens": 100,
                "referral_reward_multiplier": 1,
                "minimum_staked_tokens": 1000,
                "referral_reward_multiplier": 2,
                "minimum_staked_tokens": 1000,
                "referral_reward_multiplier": 2,
        end_of_program_timestamp: 123456789,
        window_length: 7,

When submitting a referral program proposal through governance the following conditions apply:

  • a proposer cannot set an end_of_program_timestamp less than the proposals enactment_time.
  • the number of tiers in benefit_tiers must be less than or equal to the network parameter referralProgram.maxReferralTiers.
  • all minimum_running_notional_taker_volume values must be an integer value strictly greater than 0.
  • all minimum_epochs values must be an integer strictly greater than 0
  • all referral_reward_factor values must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the network parameter referralProgram.maxReferralRewardFactor.
  • the number of tiers in staking_tiers must be less than or equal to the network parameter referralProgram.maxReferralTiers.
  • all minimum_staked_tokens values must be an integer value strictly greater than 0.
  • all referral_reward_multiplier values must be a float value greater than or equal to 1.
  • all referral_discount_factor values must be greater than 0 and be less than or equal to the network parameter referralProgram.maxReferralDiscountFactor.
  • window_length must be an integer strictly greater than zero.

The referral program will start the epoch after the enactment_timestamp is reached.

Referral program lifecycle

After a referral program proposal is validated and accepted by the network, the network referral program is created / updated and can be one of the following states.

State Benefits Enabled Condition for entry Condition for exit
Inactive No No proposal ever submitted, or previous proposal ended New governance proposal submitted to the network
Proposed No Governance proposal valid and accepted Governance proposal voting period ends (or proposal is invalid)
Pending No Governance vote passes End of epoch after network reaches proposal enactment_timestamp
Active Yes Previously pending End of epoch after network reaches proposal end_of_program_timestamp

Referral set mechanics

A referral set is comprised of a referrer and all the referees who have applied the associated referral code. There can only ever be one referrer per referral set but the number of referees is unlimited. Referees can move between referral sets by applying a new referral code.

Creating a referral set

To create a new referral set and become a referrer, a party must fulfil the following criteria:

  • party must not currently be a referrer
  • party must not currently be a referee
  • party must be staking at least referralProgram.minStakedVegaTokens tokens

The staking requirement is constant. If a referrer un-stakes enough tokens to fall below the requirement, they and their referees will immediately no longer be eligible for referral benefits. If the referrer re-stakes enough tokens to fulfil the staking requirement, they and their referees will become eligible for referral benefits at the start of the next epoch. Note, for the case where a party does not re-stake, the protocol will still allow referees to "move" referral sets by applying a new referral code as normal.

To create a referral set and generate a referral code, the party must submit a signed CreateReferralSet transaction. When creating a referral set, a party can optionally designate it to as a team and provide additional team details. When designated as a team a separate team will be created in addition to the referral set. The team will be visible on leaderboards and eligible for team rewards. A CreateReferralSet transaction has the following fields:

  • is_team: a boolean defining whether the referral set should be designated as a team (and a team created from it)
  • team_details: an optional dictionary defining the teams details (non-optional if is_team is True)
    • name: mandatory string team name
    • team_url: optional string of a link to a team forum, discord, etc. (defaults to empty string / none-type)
    • avatar_url: optional string of a link to an image to be used as the teams avatar (defaults to empty string / none-type)
    • closed: optional boolean, defines whether a team is closed to members not specified in the allow_list, i.e. when True the team is joinable by invite only.
    • allow_list: optional list of public keys which defines which parties are allowed to join if the team is joinable by invite only.

Example: if party wants to create a simple referral set.

message CreateReferralSet{
    is_team: False
    team_details: None

Example: if party wants to create a referral set and team.

message CreateReferralSet{
    is_team: True
    team_details: {
        name: "VegaRocks",
        team_url: "",
        avatar_url: "https://vega-rocks/logo-360x360.jpg",
        closed: False,

Example: if party wants to create a referral set and team.

message CreateReferralSet{
    is_team: True
    team_details: {
        name: "VegaRocks",
        team_url: "",
        avatar_url: "https://vega-rocks/logo-360x360.jpg",
        allow_list: ["publ1ck3y001", "publ1ck3y002", publ1ck3y003]
        closed: False,

When the network receives a valid CreateReferralSet transaction, the network will create a referral set with the referral set id as the referral code. Any future parties who apply the referral code will be added to the referral set.

Updating a referral set

There are two cases where a referrer may want to update their referral set:

  • they want to designate their referral_set as a team
  • their referral_set is already designated as a team and they want to update their team_details.

To update a referral set the party submit a signed UpdateReferralSet transaction. For the transaction to be valid, the party must be the referrer associated with the referral set. An UpdateReferralSet transaction must have the following fields.

  • id: id of the referral set to update
  • is_team: a boolean defining whether the party should made into a team visible on leaderboards
  • team_details: an optional dictionary defining the team
    • name: optional string team name
    • team_url: optional string of a link to a team forum, discord, etc.
    • avatar_url: optional string of a link to an image to be used as the teams avatar
    • closed: optional boolean, defines whether a team is closed to members not specified in the allow_list, i.e. when True the team can be joined by invite only.
    • allow_list: optional list of public keys which defines which parties are allowed to join if the team is joinable by invite only.
message UpdateReferralSet{
    id: "mYr3f3rra15et1d"
    is_team: True
    team_details: {
        name: "VegaRocks",
        team_url: ""
        avatar_url: "https://vega-rocks/logo-360x360.jpg"
        closed: True,

If a referral set is currently designated as a team, a referrer should be able to "close" their team to any new members not specified in the allow_list by setting the closed field to True.

Note, if a referrer updates closed or the allow_list defining the parties which are allowed to join the team, the updated list is only used to validate attempts to join the team, i.e. existing members are not removed from the team.

If a referral set is currently designated as a team, a party is able to effectively "disband" a team by updating their referral set and setting their is_team value to False. Note a team should only be "disbanded" and removed from leaderboards at the end of the current epoch after rewards have been distributed.

Applying a referral code

To apply a referral code and become a referee, a party must fulfil the following criteria:

  • party must not currently be a referrer
  • party must not currently be a referee associated with a valid referral set (Note: for a set to be valid, the sets referrer must be meeting the staking requirement.)

To become a referee, a referee must submit a signed ApplyReferralCode transaction with the following fields:

  • referral_code: the referral code they wish to apply
message ApplyReferralCode{
    id: "mYr3f3rra1c0d3"

If a party is not currently a referee, they must immediately be added to the referral set and benefit factors and reward multipliers updated accordingly. If a team exists for this referral set, they will also be added to that team.

If a party is already a referee, and submits another ApplyReferralCode transaction, the transaction will be rejected unless the referrer of the current referral set is not meeting the staking requirement. In this case, the party will be removed from the current referral set and added to the new referral set.

Joining a team

If a party is already a referee in a valid set, to join or move between teams, a party can submit a JoinTeam transaction with the following fields:

  • id: the id of the team they wish to join
message JoinTeam{
    id: "mYr3f3rra1c0d3"

The party will be added to the team providing the team is not closed (anyone can join) or the team is closed (joinable by invite only) and the party is specified in the allow_list.

Party volumes

The network must now track the cumulative notional volume of taker trades for each party in an epoch, call this value party_epoch_notional_taker_volume. Note, trades generated by auction uncrossing are not counted. Each time a eligible trade is generated, the network should increment a parties party_epoch_notional_taker_volume by the quantum notional volume of the trade. For a spot market, the quantum is the quantum of the asset used to express the price (i.e. the quote_asset).

party_epoch_notional_taker_volume = party_epoch_notional_taker_volume + (trade_price * trade_size / settlement_asset_quantum)

At the end of an epoch, the party_epoch_notional_taker_volume is stored by the network and each parties party_epoch_notional_taker_volume is reset to 0 ready for the next epoch.

Referral set volumes

At the end of an epoch, for each referral set, a referral_set_epoch_notional_taker_volume is calculated by summing the party_epoch_notional_taker_volume of each party in the referral set (include both referrers and referees). The amount a party can contribute to their referral set is capped by the network parameter referralProgram.maxPartyNotionalVolumeByQuantumPerEpoch. Note this cap is not applied directly to party_epoch_notional_taker_volume in case the network parameter is updated during an epoch.

referral_set_epoch_notional_taker_volume = sum[min(party_epoch_notional_taker_volume, referralProgram.maxPartyNotionalVolumeByQuantumPerEpoch) for each party in team]

After the values are calculated, the referral_set_epoch_notional_taker_volume is stored by the network.

The network can then calculate the set's referral_set_running_notional_taker_volume by summing the set's referral_set_epoch_notional_taker_volume values over the last n epochs where n is the window_length set in the governance proposal.

Benefit mechanics

Setting benefit factors and reward multipliers

Whilst a referral program is active, at the start of an epoch (after pending ApplyReferralCode transactions have been processed) the network must set the referral_reward_factor and referral_discount_factor for each referee.

Note, when setting a referee's benefit factors we compare a sets referral_set_running_notional_taker_volume to a minimum_running_notional_taker_volume value. To prevent parties self-referring and moving teams, this referral_set_running_notional_taker_volume is always the value of the referee's original referral set.

Setting the referral reward factor

The referral_reward_factor should be set by identifying the "highest" benefit tier where the following conditions are fulfilled.

  • referral_set_running_notional_taker_volume of the referee's original referral set is greater than or equal to the tier's minimum_running_notional_taker_volume.

The referee's referral_reward_factor is then set to the referral_reward_factor defined in the selected benefit tier.

Note the original referrer is defined as the team of the referrer associated with the referee. See section applying a referral code for more detail.

Setting the referral discount factor

The referral_discount_factor should be set by identifying the "highest" benefit tier where BOTH the following conditions are fulfilled.

  • referral_set_running_notional_taker_volume of the referee's original referral set is greater than or equal to the tier's minimum_running_notional_taker_volume.
  • the referee has been a associated with the referral set for at least the tier's minimum_epochs.

The referee's referral_discount_factor is then set to the referral_discount_factor defined in the selected benefit tier.

Note the original referrer is defined as the team of the referrer associated with the referee. See section applying a referral code for more detail.

Setting the referral reward multiplier

The referral_reward_multiplier should be set by identifying the "highest" staking tier where the following conditions are fulfilled.

  • the referee's original referrer is staking greater than or equal to the tier's minimum_staked_tokens.

The referee's referral_reward_multiplier is then set to the referral_reward_multiplier defined in the selected benefit tier.

Note the original referrer is defined as the team of the referrer associated with the referee. See section applying a referral code for more detail.


    benefit_tiers: [
            "minimum_running_notional_taker_volume": 10000,
            "minimum_epochs": 0,
            "referral_reward_factor": 0.001,
            "referral_discount_factor": 0.001,
            "minimum_running_notional_taker_volume": 20000,
            "minimum_epochs": 7,
            "referral_reward_factor": 0.005,
            "referral_discount_factor": 0.005,
            "minimum_running_notional_taker_volume": 30000,
            "minimum_epochs": 31,
            "referral_reward_factor": 0.010,
            "referral_discount_factor": 0.010,
        staking_tiers: [
                "minimum_staked_tokens": 100,
                "referral_reward_multiplier": 1,
                "minimum_staked_tokens": 1000,
                "referral_reward_multiplier": 2,
                "minimum_staked_tokens": 1000,
                "referral_reward_multiplier": 2,



These benefit factors are then fixed for the duration of the next epoch.

Applying benefit factors

Referral program benefit factors are applied by modifying the fees paid by a party (either during continuous trading or on auction exit).


The Parties API should now return a list of all parties (which can be filtered by party id) with the following additional information:

  • current id of the referral set the party is currently associated with
  • current id of the team the party is currently associated with
  • current epochs_in_referral_set
  • current party_epoch_notional_taker_volume
  • current referral_reward_factor
  • current referral_discount_factor
  • for each asset, the total referral rewards generated by the parties taker fees
  • for each asset, the total referral discounts applied to the parties taker fees

The ReferralSet API should now expose a list of all referral sets (which can be filtered by referral set id) with the following information:

  • the set's founding referrer
  • the set's referees
  • current referral_set_running_notional_taker_volume
  • current referral_reward_factor applied to referee taker fees
  • current maximum possible referral_discount_factor applied to referee taker fees
  • for each asset, the total referral rewards paid to the referrer of the referral set
  • for each asset, the total referral rewards generated by all referee taker fees
  • for each asset, the total referral discounts applied to all referee taker fees
  • whether the referral set has been designated as a team
  • any team_details if the referral set has been designated as a team.

The Trades API should now expose a list of all trades (which can be filtered by trade id) with the following additional information:

  • Referral program rewards
    • infrastructure_fee_referral_reward
    • liquidity_fee_referral_reward
    • maker_fee_referral_reward
  • Referral program discounts
    • infrastructure_fee_referral_discount
    • liquidity_fee_referral_discount
    • maker_fee_referral_discount
  • Referral program totals
    • total_referral_reward
    • total_referral_discount

The Estimate Fees API should now calculate the following additional information:

  • Expected referral program rewards
    • infrastructure_fee_referral_reward
    • liquidity_fee_referral_reward
    • maker_fee_referral_reward
  • Expected referral program discounts
    • infrastructure_fee_referral_discount
    • liquidity_fee_referral_discount
    • maker_fee_referral_discount
  • Expected referral program totals
    • total_referral_reward
    • total_referral_discount

Acceptance Criteria

Governance Proposals

  1. If an UpdateReferralProgram proposal does not fulfil one or more of the following conditions, the proposal should be STATUS_REJECTED:
    • the end_of_program_timestamp must be greater than or equal to the proposal's enactment_time (0083-RFPR-001).
    • the number of tiers in benefit_tiers must be less than or equal to the network parameter referralProgram.maxReferralTiers (0083-RFPR-002).
    • all minimum_running_notional_taker_volume values must be an integer strictly greater than 0 (0083-RFPR-051).
    • all minimum_epochs_in_team values must be an integer strictly greater than 0 (0083-RFPR-003).
    • all referral_reward_factor values must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the network parameter referralProgram.maxReferralRewardFactor (0083-RFPR-004).
    • all referral_discount_factor values must be greater than 0 and be less than or equal to the network parameter referralProgram.maxReferralDiscountFactor (0083-RFPR-005).
    • the window_length must be an integer strictly greater than zero (0083-RFPR-006).
  2. A referral program should be started the first epoch change after the enactment_datetime is reached (0083-RFPR-007).
  3. A referral program should be closed the first epoch change after the end_of_program_timestamp is reached (0083-RFPR-008).
  4. If a referral program is already active and a proposal enactment_datetime is reached, the referral program is updated at the next epoch change.
    • Propose program A with enactment_timestamp 1st Jan and end_of_program_timestamp 31st Dec (0083-RFPR-009).
    • Proposal for program A accepted and begins first epoch after 1st Jan (0083-RFPR-010).
    • Propose program B with enactment_timestamp 1st June and end_of_program_timestamp 31st Aug (0083-RFPR-011).
    • Proposal for program B accepted and overrides program A the first epoch after 1st June (0083-RFPR-012).
    • Program is closed first epoch after 31st Aug, there should be no active proposals (0083-RFPR-013).
  5. Updating any of the following network parameters whilst there is an active referral program will not modify or cancel the active program in any way. The updated parameters will however be used to validate future referral program proposals.

Referral set mechanics

Creating a referral set

  1. If a party is not currently a referrer, the party can create a referral set, by submitting a signed CreateReferralSet transaction (0083-RFPR-014).
  2. If one or more of the following conditions are not met, any CreateReferralCode transaction should be rejected.
    • party must not currently be a referrer.CreateReferralSet (0083-RFPR-015).
    • party must not currently be a referee (0083-RFPR-016).
    • party must be staking at least referralProgram.minStakedVegaTokens tokens (0083-RFPR-017).
  3. If a referrer removes sufficient stake to not meet the required tokens, the referral set should not be eligible for the following referral benefits:
    • the referrer should not be rewarded for any referee taker fees (0083-RFPR-018).
    • all referees should not receive any discount on their taker fees (0083-RFPR-019).
  4. If the referrer of a referral set currently not eligible for benefits re-stakes enough tokens, their team will become eligible for benefits from the start of the next epoch (0083-RFPR-020).
  5. When creating a referral set a party should be able to designate it as a team. If they do, team_details and all nested fields are mandatory (0083-RFPR-021).

Updating a referral set

  1. If a party is currently the referrer of a referral set from which a team has not yet been created, the party can create a team by submitting a signed UpdateReferralSet transaction and setting is_team=True (0083-RFPR-022).
  2. If a party is currently the referrer of a referral set from which a team has already been created, the party can update a team by submitting a signed UpdateReferralSet transaction specifying the fields they want to update (0083-RFPR-023).
  3. If a party submits an UpdateReferralSet transaction for a referral set they are not the referrer off, the transaction should be rejected (0083-RFPR-024).
  4. If a referrer updates the allow_list associated with the team, existing members who are no longer on the allow_list should not be removed from the team (0083-RFPR-067).

Applying a referral code

  1. If a party is not currently a referee, if they submit a signed ApplyReferralCode transaction then: (0083-RFPR-059)

    • the party will be added to the associated referral set.
    • the party will be added to the associated team (if one exists) and the team is not closed or the team is closed and the party is allowed by the allow_list.
  2. If a party is currently a referee (and the referrer is not meeting the staking requirement), if they submit a signed ApplyReferralCode transaction then: (0083-RFPR-060).

    • the party will be added to the associated referral set.
    • the party will be added to the associated team (if one exists) and the team is not closed or the team is closed and the party is allowed by the allow_list.
  3. If a party is currently a referee (and the referrer is meeting the staking requirement), if they submit a signed ApplyReferralCode transaction then the transaction will be rejected. (0083-RFPR-052).

  4. If a party submits an ApplyReferralCode transaction, a team exists for the specified id and the team is not closed then the party should be added to the team. (0083-RFPR-061).

  5. If a party submits an ApplyReferralCode transaction, a team exists for the specified id and the team is closed then the party will be added to the team if they are specified in the allow_list. (0083-RFPR-062).

  6. If a party submits an ApplyReferralCode transaction, a team exists for the specified id and the team is closed then the party will not be added to the team if they are not specified in the allow_list. (0083-RFPR-063).

  7. An ApplyReferralCode transaction should be rejected if the party is a referrer (0083-RFPR-029).

Joining a team

  1. If a party submits a JoinTeam transaction and the team is not closed then the party should be added to the team. (0083-RFPR-064).
  2. If a party submits a JoinTeam transaction and the team is closed then the party will be added to the team if they are specified in the allow_list. (0083-RFPR-065).
  3. If a party submits a JoinTeam transaction and the team is closed then the party will not be added to the team if they are not specified in the allow_list. (0083-RFPR-066).
  4. Assert that a user joining a team is not eligible for rewards until the number of epochs since joining the team as specified in the network parameter has passed. (0083-RFPR-068).

Epoch and running volumes

  1. Each trade in which a party is the "maker" should not increment the taker parties party_epoch_notional_taker_volume by the volume of the trade (expressed in quantum units) (0083-RFPR-048).
  2. Each trade in which a party is the "taker" should increment the taker parties party_epoch_notional_taker_volume by the volume of the trade (expressed in quantum units) (0083-RFPR-031).
  3. A trade generated during auction uncrossing should not contribute to either parties party_epoch_notional_taker_volume (0083-RFPR-032).
  4. A trader is the taker of two prices in separate markets using settlement assets with different quantum values. Each trades value should be scaled correctly by the assets quantum and added to the parties party_epoch_notional_taker_volume (0083-RFPR-049).
  5. At the end of the epoch, the referral_set_epoch_notional_taker_volume should be correctly calculated by summing each team members party_epoch_notional_taker_volume (0083-RFPR-033).
  6. A party cannot contribute more than the current network parameter referralProgram.maxPartyNotionalVolumeByQuantumPerEpoch to their sets referral_set_epoch_notional_taker_volume (0083-RFPR-034).
  7. If referralProgram.maxPartyNotionalVolumeByQuantumPerEpoch is updated during an epoch, the new value should be used to cap party contributions to referral sets at the end of the epoch (i.e. a parties individual party_epoch_notional_taker_volume should not be capped during the epoch) (0083-RFPR-050).
  8. A referral sets referral_set_running_notional_taker_volume is calculated as the sum of all referral_set_epoch_notional_taker_volumes over the last epoch_window epochs (0083-RFPR-035).

Benefit Mechanics

Setting benefit factors and reward multipliers

  1. At the start of an epoch, each referees referral_reward_factor and referral_discount_factor is reevaluated and fixed for the epoch (0083-RFPR-036).
  2. At the start of an epoch, a referees referral_reward_factor is set equal to the factor in the highest benefit tier they qualify for (0083-RFPR-037).
  3. At the start of an epoch, a referees referral_discount_factor is set equal to the factor in the highest benefit tier they qualify for (0083-RFPR-038).
  4. At the start of an epoch, a referees referral_reward_multiplier is set equal to the multiplier in the highest staking tier they qualify for (0083-RFPR-046).
  5. If when evaluating the tier to set the referral_reward_factor, a referee does not qualify for any tier, their referral_reward_factor is set to 0 (0083-RFPR-039).
  6. If when evaluating the tier to set the referral_discount_factor, a referee does not qualify for any tier, their referral_reward_factor is set to 0 (0083-RFPR-040).
  7. If when evaluating the tier to set the referral_reward_multiplier, a referee does not qualify for any tier, their referral_reward_multiplier is set to 1 (0083-RFPR-047).