Duolingo Stats
- Shows you a progress chart for the last 7 days on all profiles.
- Shows you other people's trees on their profile (after you click on "Show the tree").
- Only shows stats for the language the person is currently learning.
- Install userscript.
Duolingo Incubator Stats
- Shows you the completion for phase 1 languages as percentages, rounded to 1 decimal place.
- Install userscript.
Duolingo Flag Language
- Shows you the language name when you hover your mouse over a flag.
- Install userscript.
Duolingo Review
- Deprecated - Duolingo provides this functionality now.
Duolingo Weekly Progress
- Deprecated - use Duolingo Stats instead.
- Don't use both at the same time - uninstall Duolingo Weekly Progress first.
- If haven't already, install the appropriate extension for your browser (restarting your browser afterwards if necessary):
- Chrome: Tampermonkey
- Chromium: Tampermonkey
- Firefox: Greasemonkey
- Safari: JavaScript Blocker
- Click on the user script installation link under the user script's description above.
- Confirm the installation when prompted.
- Follow the uninstall steps for the browser/extension you're using:
- Chrome: Tampermonkey
- Chromium: Tampermonkey
- Firefox: Greasemonkey
- Safari: JavaScript Blocker
- Click on the installation link under the user script's description above.
- Follow the bookmarklet instructions on that page.
- Delete the bookmarklet as you would delete any other bookmark.
- Show all certificates a person has earned, including the score for each certificate and the date/time test was taken.
- Show the amount of points a person has in each language.
- Show a person's all-time ranking among their followers.
- Progress charts and trees are only shown for the language the person is currently learning.
- Trees don't show divisions between sections or bonus skills.
- The text for showing/hiding the tree is still only in English (translations welcome - see below).
Feel free to submit a pull request or issue to add/update translated text in your language for the following strings:
- Days of the week: A 1 or 2 letter abbreviation for each day of the week, eg Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su.
- Loading message: "Loading progress for %lookupname%..."
- No progess message: "No progress for this week."
- Progress heading: "Progess"
- Link text for showing the tree: "Show The Tree"
- Link text for showing the tree: "Hide The Tree"