Modpack loaded here for my own purposes. Maybe I'll release it later. It's gonna be a hell lot of work. And I don't know why "Foxies", don't ask me.
Supported only Minecraft 1.7.10 & Forge
- Download a released .exe
- Run it as Administrator
- Choose correct destination folder
- There may be potential malware detections over witchery mod, you can safely ignore them
- Run your launcher for Minecraft
- Set the path to your Installation Folder of "Foxies"
- OS: Windows 7 & 8 & 10 (Windows 11 - not tested yet)
- Processor: 4 Core + 3 GHz or better
- Memory: 8 GB RAM or more (fully stable at 16 GB)
- Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or better
- Storage: at least 5 GB if you enable FTB Backups
- Java: latest available
- Installer creation:
- Install WinRAR
- Add folders to RAR
- Add SFX Module
- Installation path = C:\Program Files (x86)\AVM\foxies_1.7.10
- Layout .ico & 93x302px .png
- Delete: config, mods, scripts (no commas needed)
- Method: Update
- HTML is used for text formatting
- To get list of all Biomes & Dims & Enchantments & Potions run with ID Conflicts Viewer, all data stored in IDCV folder.
It might crash anyway, so don't panic.Store all IDs into list_of_all_ids.xlsx
- Optimizations and tweaks (disabled) -
constant RAM cleaning causes tickrate goes insaneNot starting with this mod at all, no time to search for actual issue - Dynamic Lights (disabled) - causes massive chunk update with every movement
- Invasion mod (enabled) - if modded mobs attack thaumcraft "Камень сдерживания" tickrate goes insane
- Amun Ra (enabled) - there is config for this mod AT ALL, so more Biomes and Dims = More potential conflicts
- Endless IDs (enabled) - Entity ID list extension must be disabled due to Multiplayer invisible mob bug (28.11.24: Is issue still present? Confirmation needed.)
- EnderIO (enabled) - Disable wither skeleton fix
Nature's Compass (enabled) - Crashing game when using GUIFixed at v0.2.1- Botaina - creative tab crashes game, no idea where to look for problem
Add Galacticraft and AddonsAdd Biomes O' PlentyAdd Cosmetic Armor- More optimizations
- Possible release as soon as I'm back from military school and pack reaches playable state?
- ???
- If I will ever get into coding of my own TC4 addon this might help:
- Useful list of updated and backported mods (still updated):
- New MT wiki since original is down:
- Essential mods (optimisations, still updated):
- Ailimeow
- SleepyQ
- Astergup
- hope_chipichipi