Restful WebService Scala, Hbase, Play
- Have hbase 0.94.8 setup on your machine.
- Download the project and run "activator run"
- view, adding of cars is implement in frontend too.
- modify, delete , get a single car data has to be test with curl or RestClients. Please check curl scripts for testing.(ui just for the sake of display a page)
Create a git repository (either local or public one on GitHub) that contains a RESTful web-service written in Scala. The service should allow users to place new car adverts and view, modify and delete existing car adverts.
Car adverts should have the following fields:
- id (required): int or guid, choose whatever is more convenient for you;
- title (required): string, e.g. "Audi A4 Avant";
- fuel (required): gasoline or diesel, use some type which could be extended in the future by adding additional fuel types;
- price (required): integer;
- new (required): boolean, indicates if car is new or used;
- mileage (only for used cars): integer;
- first registration (only for used cars): date without time.
Service should:
- have functionality to return list of all car adverts; (done) (sorting in ascending order default by id)
- optional sorting by any field specified by query parameter, default sorting - by id; (missing - time constratint)
- have functionality to return data for single car advert by id; (done)
- have functionality to add car advert; (done)
- have functionality to modify car advert by id; (done)
- have functionality to delete car advert by id; (done)
- have validation (see required fields and fields only for used cars); ** (missing - time constratint)**
- accept and return data in JSON format, use standard JSON date format for the first registration field. (No need to convert as data from frontend can be of anytype)
- Service should be able to handle CORS requests from any domain.
- Think about test pyramid and write unit-, integration- and acceptance-tests if needed.
- It's not necessary to document your code, but having a for developers who will potentially use your service would be great.
Feel free to use any Scala or sbt versions.
Feel free to make any assumptions as long as you can explain them.
Think how to use HTTP verbs and construct your HTTP paths to represent different actions (key word - RESTful).
Commit frequently, small commits will help us to understand how you tackle the problem.
We're using Play! at AutoScout24, but feel free to use a different Scala framework of your choice.
- If you decide to use Play!, try to use version 2.4 and do not use GlobalSettings or any globals like Play.configuration or Play.application, use dependency injection instead.
We're using Amazon Dynamo DB, but feel free to use different storage as long as we will be able to run it without doing excessive configuration work.
- If you decide to use local Amazon Dynamo DB, which could be downloaded from Amazon as a tar.gz or zip archive or installed with homebrew if you're using MacOS:
brew install dynamodb-local
, try to not store data in Dynamo DB as a string blob, try to either use a Dynamo DB document model or store every field as a separate attribute.
- If you decide to use local Amazon Dynamo DB, which could be downloaded from Amazon as a tar.gz or zip archive or installed with homebrew if you're using MacOS:
Feel free to ask questions! :)
If you used GitHub repository, just send us a link to your repository.
If you used local repository, zip it (folder called ".git" in your working directory, it is hidden usually!) and send it us by email or put it on Dropbox and send us a link.