a form validation and rendering library backed by @mobxjs and ajv from @epoberezkin
yarn add @varsito/reformist
STEP 1: Decorate a class to mention it's schema per attribute
import { Schema } from "@varsito/reformist";
class Contact {
@Schema.string("Type", { enum: ["Mobile", "Email"] }) type;
@Schema.string("Handle") handle;
class Sample {
@Schema.number("id") id;
@Schema.string("Enter the name") name;
@Schema.bool("Are you above 16?") is16Plus;
@Schema.list({ type: "string" }, "Your hobbies") hobbies;
@Schema.object(Contact) contact;
STEP 2: Add reformist to decorated class
class Sample {
STEP 3: Decorate form attributes to be observable
Adding observable will make our form reflect changes made to
attributes by user input. So @Schema.number("id") id;
become @Schema.number("id") @observable id;
git clone https://github.com/varsito/reformist.git
cd reformist
yarn test