An application which stores information about people, along with a ‘task list’. The application’s functionality can be described as follows:
The user should be able to store peoples’ names along with several pieces of information about each person (age, telephone number, favourite football team etc.).
The user should be able to retrieve the information by entering the person’s name
The user should be able to remove a person’s record by entering their name
The user may ask to return records for all individuals, sorted according to a piece of information other than their name (e.g. age).
The user should also be able to enter a task which needs performing at some point in the future. A priority may also be entered in order to indicate how urgently the task needs to be performed.
The user should, at any time, be able to view the highest priority task on the list.
The user should be able to remove the highest priority item on the list
Also a useful addition was the ability to write all information to a file whenever the application closes.
The main objective for this application is to be as efficient as it can.