The Observability infra for Vanus.
The Vanus version is required > v0.6
- Install
kubectl apply -f
- Ensure network accessible
kubectl port-forward service/grafana 3000:3000 -n vanus
Open localhost:3000
in your browser(default user and password is admin
docker compose -f deploy/local/docker-compose.yml up
after do that, you can visit localhost:3000
for grafana and localhost:9090
for Prometheus.
if you want to add new metrics to Vanus, you could refer to Vanus metrics to know how these metrics work in Vanus internal.
For instance, if we want to add send_event_request_latency_summary
to Vanus, which metric record the summary of
sending events reqeust latency in Gateway component.
Firstly, create prometheus.NewSummaryVec
GatewayEventWriteLatencySummaryVec = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: moduleOfGateway,
Name: "send_event_request_latency_summary",
Objectives: map[float64]float64{
0.25: 0.1,
0.50: 0.1,
0.75: 0.1,
0.80: 0.05,
0.85: 0.05,
0.9: 0.05,
0.95: 0.01,
0.96: 0.01,
0.97: 0.01,
0.98: 0.01,
0.99: 0.001,
0.999: 0.0001,
0.9999: 0.00001},
}, []string{LabelEventbus, LabelProtocol, LabelBatchSize})
you could find this code snippet in metrics/gateway.go. NOTE, you could view Label Consideration to know how to configure labels
Secondly, add this metric to GetGatewayMetrics()
, which ensure this metric can be registered when Gateway started.
func GetGatewayMetrics() []prometheus.Collector {
coll := []prometheus.Collector{
return append(coll, getGoRuntimeMetrics()...)
you could find this function in metrics/metrics.go,
Plus, if you added metrics for other components, notice to add this metrics to relative functions.
Thirdly, record value in right place, if you use Jetbrains Goland, you can find calling by Right Click -> Go to -> Declaration or Usages
or command+B
Other IDEAs also provide the same features.
after you finished adding metrics to Vanus, restart component your metrics added to, open localhost:9090
to ensure if Prometheus received this metrics.
the prefix vanus_gateway_
is automatically added, which depends on fields of Namespace
and Subsystem
when declare metrics.
Next, we need to create a visual panel to show metrics in Grafana. open localhost:3000
, and select dashboard Vanus -> Cluster
after entre this dashboard, let us create a new panel into Overview.
It isn't easy to edit panel, for visualizing send_event_request_latency_summary
, we have done follow steps:
created a single query(aka
mode is helpful for create query statement), after query was created, we can see curves in the panel. next to setOption -> Legend
, which effect metric name is displayed in panel,{{quantile}}
is the one of label in metric..
you could find more about how to write query in official docs. Sometimes, it's needed to write query with variables, you can find that how to use it in Grafana Official documentation
- set others options. we changed
for better visual experience.
: before changed, default values areTooltip mode=Single)
andValues sort order=None
: before changed, default values areMode=List
: before changed, default values areScale=Linear
, and setLog base=2
After we finished those steps, we got a new panel in Cluster dashboard.
Share -> Export -> View JSON -> Copy to clipboard
and replace the cluster.json with the JSON you're copied.
- commit to GitHub
git add grafana/dashboard/cluster.json
git commit -sm 'feat: add send_event_request_latency_summary into Cluster dashboard'
git push origin <your branch>
- create a PR in linkall-labs/observability
Coming soon.