Docker Compose with Kanboard and Postgres.
Kanboard is a free and open sourced, self-hosted Kanban board:
This repository contains a docker-compose.yml to run Kanboard with PostgreSQL and data has been encapulating into a directory for simple backup.
installed docker and docker-compose
(fork and) clone this repo
chmod 777 data/ plugins/
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down
db: contains PostgreSQL database
plugins: Kanboard plugins downloaded here
data: Kanboard data directory, contains config file: config.php
.env: contains version numbers, and database password: do not afraid to change it!
set an exact version number for kanboard: replace kanboard_version=latest
Check data/config.php and postgres.sql files: it must comes from Kanboard v{kanboard_version}
data/config.php:: standard Kanboard configuration file prepared to using instantly; DB_PASSWORD is the database password: do not afraid to change it! It must equals with .env postgres_password field!
Database preparation: postgres.sql file is Kanboard app/Schema/Sql/postgres.sql and
Save data and plugins directory.
PostgreSQL dump for database (db directory)
docker logs --follow kanboard