🖥️ Hello! I'm 22, former student at @univ-rennes1 (ISTIC) in Computer Science after a cycle of two years in classe préparatoires aux grandes écoles
🧮 I used to work on programming language theory. You can check calc, Baguette#, or STARFinder for more information.
In February 2023 I started an internship at IRISA/INRIA Rennes, at the PACAP Team, where I worked on OFast3D. This internship ended in July 2023.
My end-of-study internship was in the EPICURE Team, where I worked on the back-to-the-trees project. This internship ended in July 2024.
I am now an IT specialist and a state civil servant.
🌈 She/her
📫 I'm always available to chat or answer question, by mail ( me [at] charlotte-thomas.me ), or Discord ( vanilla_extracts ).
See more on my webpage
I plan to learn Coq as I continue (and Haskell). I'm actively developing Baguette# (read Baguette Sharp) which is an exotic language with a horrible syntax and where all instruction, basic library, keywords and separators are replaced by names of pastries (mainly French but I ran out of French pastries a while ago)
I also love calc, which is a calculator programmed in Rust with a Pratt parser method. You can check it out, it's worth an eye :)
If you want to see more see my cv (🇫🇷) or cv (🇬🇧)
My CVs are typeset using Typst. I love how flexible and powerful Typst is. You should check out their website to become part of the #TypstFamily. I am a proud supporter of their work and one of the most prolific community contributors.
I also have CVs as manpages:
curl https://www.charlotte-thomas.me/static/cv_en.man | man -l -
You can replace cv_en.man
with cv_fr.man
for the French translation.