I2C communication between the PSoC_5 microcontroller (master) and LIS3DH accelerometer (slave).
In Project 2.1 the temperature sensor's output is read and data are send through UART to the terminal
In Project 2.2 the accelerometer's output is read in Normal mode (100 Hz) with a full scale range of +/- 2g and 10-bits resolution. Data are converted in mg with a sensitivity of 4 mg/digit and 2 bytes for each data are sent though UART with a baud rate of 9600 bps. Data are plotted with Bridge Control Panel: also variable settings and editor are submitted.
In Project 2.3 the accelerometer's output is read in High resolution mode mode (100 Hz) with a full scale range of +/- 4g and 12-bits resolution. Data are converted in mg with a sensitivity of 2 mg/digit and then in m/s^2 taking in account four decimals. 4 bytes for each data are sent though UART with a baud rate of 19200 bps. Data are plotted with Bridge Control Panel: also variable settings and editor are submitted.