Valum is a web micro-framework entirely written in the Vala programming language.
using Valum;
using VSGI.HTTP;
var app = new Router ();
app.get ("", (req, res) => {
res.body.write_all ("Hello world!".data, null);
new Server ("org.valum.example.App", app.handle).run ();
The installation process is fully documented in the user documentation.
- asynchronous processing based on RAII and automated reference counting that just doesn't get in your way
- powerful routing mechanism with scope, typed parameters and low-level utilities to write expressive web services
- deploy anywhere with libsoup-2.4 built-in HTTP server, CGI, FastCGI or SCGI
- extensive documentation available at
Valum is built by the community under the LGPL license, so anyone can use or contribute to the framework.
- fork repository
- pick one task from or GitHub issues
- let us know what you will do (or attempt!)
- code
- make a pull request of your amazing changes
- let everyone enjoy :)
We use semantic versionning, so make sure that your changes
- does not alter api in bugfix release
- does not break api in minor release
- breaks api in major (we like it that way!)
You can get help with Valum from different sources:
- mailing list: vala-list.
- IRC channel: #vala at
- Google+ page for Vala
- issues on GitHub with the