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rm redundancy study_1.R
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valentinkm authored Jul 23, 2024
1 parent 8f0ea64 commit b73ce78
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 201 deletions.
201 changes: 0 additions & 201 deletions VK/simulation/study_1.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -199,204 +199,3 @@ save_results(simulation_results, filename)

cat("Results saved to:", file.path(results_dir, filename), "\n")
# study_1.R

# Load necessary scripts and libraries
source("calc_metrics.R") # Ensure this file contains the updated metric calculation functions
source("run_analysis.R") # Source the helper functions

# Generate seeds
parallel_seeds <- function(n, seed = NULL) {
if (is.null(seed))
stop("seed must be provided.")
purrr::accumulate(seq_len(n - 1), function(s, x) parallel::nextRNGStream(s),
.init = .Random.seed)

# Generate parameters grid with seeds
n_reps <- 10000
params <- expand.grid(
seed = parallel_seeds(n_reps, seed = 42), # seed position in grid is essential or reorder results later - implicit repetition parameter
model_type = c("1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "1.4"),
N = c(100, 400, 6400),
reliability = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7),
method = c("SEM", "gSAM", "lSAM_ML", "lSAM_ULS")

# Set population values
B_true <- c(
'f3~f1' = 0.1, 'f3~f2' = 0.1, 'f3~f4' = 0.1,
'f4~f1' = 0.1, 'f4~f2' = 0.1,
'f5~f3' = 0.1, 'f5~f4' = 0.1
true_values <- list(
B = B_true

model_syntax_study1 <- "
f1 =~ y1 + y2 + y3
f2 =~ y4 + y5 + y6
f3 =~ y7 + y8 + y9
f4 =~ y10 + y11 + y12
f5 =~ y13 + y14 + y15
f3 ~ f1 + f2 + f4
f4 ~ f1 + f2
f5 ~ f3 + f4 + f1
# Study function
simulate_inner <- function(model_type, N, reliability, method) {

safe_quiet_run_analysis <- safely(quietly(run_analysis))

data <- gen_pop_model_data(model_type, N, reliability)$data

fit_result <- safe_quiet_run_analysis(data, model_syntax_study1, method)

sanity_check_estimates <- run_sanity_check(model_type, model_syntax_study1)
sanity_check_results <- check_sanity(sanity_check_estimates, true_values)

warnings_detected <- fit_result$result$warnings
improper_solution <- any(grepl("some estimated ov variances are negative", warnings_detected))

if (!is.null(fit_result$result$result) && lavInspect(fit_result$result$result, "converged")) {
PT <- parTable(fit_result$result$result)
estimated_paths <- PT[PT$op == "~", "est"]
names(estimated_paths) <- paste0(PT[PT$op == "~", "lhs"], "~", PT[PT$op == "~", "rhs"])

# Calculate performance metrics
coverage <- calculate_coverage(fit_result$result$result, true_values)
relative_bias <- calculate_relative_bias(estimated_paths, true_values)
relative_rmse <- calculate_relative_rmse(estimated_paths, true_values)

Converged = 1, NonConverged = 0,
EstimatedPaths = list(estimated_paths),
SanityCheck = list(sanity_check_estimates),
MaxSanityCheckDifference = sanity_check_results$MaxDifference,
SanityCheckAlarm = sanity_check_results$Alarm,
Coverage = coverage,
RelativeBias = relative_bias,
RelativeRMSE = relative_rmse,
RelativeBiasList = list(relative_bias),
RelativeRMSEList = list(relative_rmse),
ImproperSolution = improper_solution,
Warnings = toString(fit_result$result$warnings),
Messages = toString(fit_result$result$messages),
Errors = if (is.null(fit_result$error)) NA_character_ else toString(fit_result$error$message)
} else {
Converged = 0, NonConverged = 1,
EstimatedPaths = list(setNames(rep(NA, length(true_values$B)), names(true_values$B))),
SanityCheck = list(sanity_check_estimates),
MaxSanityCheckDifference = sanity_check_results$MaxDifference,
SanityCheckAlarm = sanity_check_results$Alarm,
Coverage = NA,
RelativeBias = NA,
RelativeRMSE = NA,
RelativeBiasList = list(NA),
RelativeRMSEList = list(NA),
ImproperSolution = improper_solution,
Warnings = toString(fit_result$result$warnings),
Messages = toString(fit_result$result$messages),
Errors = if (is.null(fit_result$error)) NA_character_ else toString(fit_result$error$message)

simulate_mid <- function(seed, design) {
future_pmap(design, simulate_inner,
.options = furrr_options(seed =, nrow(design))))

simulate_outer <- function(chunk, chunk_params) {
future_pmap(chunk_params, simulate_mid,
.options = furrr_options(seed = NULL, scheduling = 1))

run_study_1 <- function(params, true_values) {

# Run the simulations and analysis in parallel
results_df <- params %>%
mutate(chunk = row_number() %% 100) %>%
nest(.by = c(chunk, seed), .key = 'design') %>%
nest(.by = chunk, .key = 'chunk_params') %>%
mutate(results = future_map2(chunk, chunk_params, simulate_outer, .options = furrr_options(seed=NULL))) %>%
unnest(c(chunk_params, results)) %>%
unnest(c(design, results)) %>%
Converged = map_dbl(results, ~ .x$Converged),
NonConverged = map_dbl(results, ~ .x$NonConverged),
Warnings = map_chr(results, ~ .x$Warnings),
Messages = map_chr(results, ~ .x$Messages),
Errors = map_chr(results, ~ .x$Errors),
EstimatedPaths = map(results, ~ .x$EstimatedPaths[[1]]),
SanityCheck = map(results, ~ .x$SanityCheck[[1]]),
MaxSanityCheckDifference = map_dbl(results, ~ .x$MaxSanityCheckDifference),
SanityCheckAlarm = map_lgl(results, ~ .x$SanityCheckAlarm),
Coverage = map_dbl(results, ~ .x$Coverage),
RelativeBias = map_dbl(results, ~ .x$RelativeBias),
RelativeRMSE = map_dbl(results, ~ .x$RelativeRMSE),
RelativeBiasList = map(results, ~ .x$RelativeBiasList[[1]]),
RelativeRMSEList = map(results, ~ .x$RelativeRMSEList[[1]]),
ImproperSolution = map_lgl(results, ~ .x$ImproperSolution)

print('Parallel computation done')

# Remove NAs from the lists before calculating MCSE
relative_bias_list <- unlist(results_df$RelativeBiasList)
relative_rmse_list <- unlist(results_df$RelativeRMSEList)

relative_bias_list <- na.omit(relative_bias_list)
relative_rmse_list <- na.omit(relative_rmse_list)

# Calculate summary statistics
summary_stats <- results_df %>%
group_by(model_type, N, reliability, method) %>%
ConvergenceRate = mean(Converged),
NonConvergenceCount = sum(NonConverged),
n_converged = sum(Converged),
MeanMaxSanityCheckDifference = mean(MaxSanityCheckDifference, na.rm = TRUE),
SanityCheckAlarmCount = sum(SanityCheckAlarm, na.rm = TRUE),
MeanCoverage = mean(Coverage, na.rm = TRUE),
MeanRelativeBias = mean(RelativeBias, na.rm = TRUE),
MeanRelativeRMSE = mean(RelativeRMSE, na.rm = TRUE),
MCSE_RelativeBias = calculate_mcse_bias(relative_bias_list),
MCSE_RelativeRMSE = calculate_mcse_rmse(relative_rmse_list),
ImproperSolutionsCount = sum(ImproperSolution, na.rm = TRUE), # Update to count
.groups = 'drop'
) %>%
arrange(model_type, N, reliability, method)

# Return summary statistics and detailed results
list(Summary = summary_stats, DetailedResults = results_df)

# Run complete simulation study
cat("Starting simulation study 1...\n")
simulation_results <- run_study_1(params, true_values)
cat("Simulation study completed. Saving results...\n")

# Save with timestamp
timestamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
filename <- paste0("simulation_results_study1r", timestamp, ".rda")
save_results(simulation_results, filename)

cat("Results saved to:", file.path(results_dir, filename), "\n")

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