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Valencia.rb website

🚀 Project Structure

The following folders and files are the main ones to change to update the content of our website:

├── public/
│   └── assets/ <-- Here we add things like downloads (pdfs from talks, etc.)
│   └── images/
│       └── people/ <-- These are the avatars that appear in the members section
├── src/
│   └── announcements/ <-- This directory contains the spanish and english announcement files (see below)
│   └── images/
│       └── logos/ <-- These are the logos for the sponsors
│   └── pages/meetings <-- The meeting pages (in spanish)
│   └── pages/en/meetings <-- The meeting pages (in english)
└── people.json <-- Contains the information about the members of Valencia.rb

🎤 Adding a new event

To add a new event you'll have to add it to the src/pages/meetings and src/pages/en/meetings directories

‼️ This is important ‼️

If you forget to add the meeting to either the main or the en directories the page will fail to serve that meeting in the respective language and we will have a sad 🦇.

The file names follow this pattern:

Structure of the meeting markdown file

layout: ../../layouts/MeetingLayout.astro (or, when in the /en directory ../../../layouts/MeetingLayout.astro)
date: 2024-11-06 18:00
title: "Title of the meeting"
location: "Name of the place where the meeting will take place"
location_map: "URL of the google map for the location"
  name: "Name of the sponsor"
  url: "URL of the sponsors website"
  logo: "Logo of the sponsor (image file)"
  logo_width: "Width of the sponsors logo"
  src: "Image file"
  alt: "Alt text for the image"
  width: "Width of the image"
Markdown content for the event here

🧛🏼‍♀️🧛🏽‍♂️ Adding a new members

To add a new member to the group you'll have to:

  • Get an image (square if possible) and add it to /public/images/people (make sure there aren't any name collisions)
  • Update the people.json file with the information of the person.

The people.json structure

To add a person create a new object ({}) inside the people array in the people.json file.

All fields are optional, but if you don't have an image it will look odd (also a person without a name makes little sense).

There are the following (optional) fields:

  • avatar: the name of the image file for that person
  • name : the name of that person
  • social_name: the handle of that person in their social network of choice
  • social_link: the link to their social network profile
  • social_icon: the icon of their social network of choice (possible values are: bluesky, facebook, mastodon, threads and twitter )
  • website: the URL to their website
  • intro: a little text about them

Example person:

  "avatar": "ecomba.png",
  "name": "Enrique Comba Riepenhausen",
  "social_name": "ecomba",
  "social_link": "",
  "social_icon": "mastodon",
  "website": "",
  "intro": "I help software teams like yours to build better software faster by making you awesome!"

📢 Announcements

Sometimes we want to announce something special (a special event, conference, etc.). For these occasions we will use the announcements component.

There are two steps for creating an announcement:

  • Write your announcement by overriding the content of the src/announcements/ files (announcement for english announcements and anuncio for the spanish announcements).
  • Uncomment the <Announcement> component in the src/pages/index.astro and src/pages/en/index.astro files.

On the other hand, when we don't want to display an announcement any longer on the website we just have to comment the <Announcement> component in the src/pages/index.astro and src/pages/en/index.astro pages.

And that's it!

🧞 Commands for running this site locally

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4321
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI

👀 Want to learn more about astro?

Feel free to check the documentation or jump into Astros' Discord server.


The new version of the Valencia.rb website







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Contributors 3
