on vercel : https://pizza-shop-valdemarus21.vercel.app/ To create this project I used this stack :
- JS,
- Typescript,
- React
- React-redux
- Redux Toolkit
- React-pagination
- React-router
- React-loader (to create skeletons before loading the main content)
- Axios
- QS (query parser from url string)
- clsx (a small library to make working with classes easier)
- lodash.debounce (a small sub-library from lodash to create pending actions ) Starting and Compiling a Project :
Download the git repository to your computer :
git clone https://github.com/valdemarus21/pizza-shop.git
go to the project folder :
cd pizza-proj
install the dependencies :
sudo npm install --legacy-deps
start the project :
sudo npm start
The project is already built with sudo npm run build, but you can see the development history, folder structure and so on )) Also, for a lighterweight final project bundle, I used React.lazy to break the final bundle into chunks to be loaded