This project will get you started developing an Ember application in no time.
The style guide is applying the Ember Freestyle living styleguide system for Ember apps.
- ember-cli version 2.12.3
- node version: 6.7.0
- npm version: 3.10.3
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer (Mac OSX).
Operating systems | Browser |
Windows | ?? |
Mac OS X | ?? |
Devices | Browser | Viewport |
Phone 1 | ?? | ?? |
Tablet 1 | ?? | ?? |
After installing Ember and all its dependencies you can have the application running locally after executing the following commands.:
git clone <repository-url>
this repository- change into the new directory
npm install
bower install
Once the Ember application is completely installed you can start the Ember HTTP server.
ember server
orember s
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200
It is also possible to "serve" the production environment:
ember server --prod
orember s --prod
It is possible to have a unit test server active in a separate terminal window. Run the following commands:
ember test
ember test --server
Open a browser window and open the Ember application on http://localhost:4200 If the window is blank, check the browser console.
Important: Make sure to use an editor which supports and applies .editorconfig files!
Note for Visual Studio Code: install the official "vscode-editorconfig" extension.
Make sure to install ESLint and activate linting in your editor of choice. We don't recommend to use other linting tools, because we customize just the eslint config.
When installing the project for the first time running npm install
, the system will install our own eslint-config-movento configuration project which includes the required settings for ESLint.
- More information about ESLint can be found at
- The movento configuration for Stylelint can be found at
We're using Stylelint to lint our stylesheets. Unfortunately Stylelint can currently not be integrated into ember test
. So please set up your IDE to lint your styles while working on them or use the console command npm run stylelint
When installing the project for the first time running npm install
, the system will install our own stylelint-config-movento configuration project which includes the required settings for Stylelint.
- More information about Stylelint can be found at
- The movento configuration for Stylelint can be found at
We are using a Autoprefixer for vendor prefixes. So you don't have to care about vendor prefixes in writing css / scss. The config about browser support you can set in the ember-cli-build.js file in the root directory.
- Documentation (
- Browser specification (
We have gathered Ember JS tutorials and videos which should help you understand how Ember works.
Please make sure to go through the EmberJS official documentation at least once.
This is the full explanation on how to access the code for this project so you can locally run it and extend upon it.
First of all: make sure to have NodeJS (npm) and bower installed!
Get access to the ember-project-template repository:
- Generate a SSH key (Github Help)
- Add SSH key to your repository account throught the CodebaseHQ website.
If you're starting a new project based upon the "ember-project-template", use the following process to get started:
$ cd my-new-project
$ git init
$ git fetch --depth=1 -n [email protected]:movento2/ember-sandbox/ember-project-template.git
$ git reset --hard $(git commit-tree FETCH_HEAD^{tree} -m "initial commit")
If you want to make changes to the "ember-project-template", you should follow this process.
Clone the repository to a local folder.
Open a terminal window and execute this command in your projects local folder:
git clone [email protected]:movento2/ember-sandbox/ember-project-template.git
You should have a new folder "ember-project-template" in the active folder cd into it.
Run the following commands in the terminal window within the new folder:
npm install
bower install
When npm and bower are done installing all the dependencies on your machine, it's time to run Ember.
First run the Ember-cli server:
ember s
The output in the terminal should look something like this:
Livereload server on http://localhost:49152
Serving on http://localhost:4200/
Build successful - 18517ms.
Now open a browser and behold the app in all its glory on this URL:
When you make changes to the code with server running Ember will refresh the site in your browser (Livereload is taking care of this).
If you haven't read through the Ember Getting Started Guide yet, now is definitely the time.
The app code resides in the /app folder where you now can add your own code.
Tip Major changes to the applicatin will require a server restart! For instance changes to services and adding new components.
Ember-cli generates all files in the "/dist" folder by default. It will concantenate and optimize JavaScript and CSS for us.
ember build
- this will run the development buildember build --environment production
or shorterember build --prod
- runs the production build
When performing an application build determined for "production" we should run ember-cli build with the option --prod
This will make sure that only the actual HTML, CSS and JavaScript for the components which make up the site will be generated.
We currently have set up the production build to exclude all pods in the /app/pods/styleguide-freestyle folder.
Note At this time the /dist folder will still include the CSS from /app/styles/style-guide.scss. We're working on removing this file for production builds.
The system which is removing the unnecessary folders and files is set up in the /lib/addon-styleguide in-repo-addon.
This EmberJS app will generate the Living StyleGuide based upon "HTML Components" written in HTMLBars, the EmberJS templating system is based upon HandleBars JS.
When generating elements using ember-cli, it will create the new files as "pods" in the /pods folder.
Make use of the many generators ember-cli offers us.
To get help, enter ember help generate
on the command line.
Ember will render all components in a default "div" wrapper element. We choose to avoid this wrapper element and define every new component with a tagName
and optional classNames
properties defined in the component.js file.
For instance the component c-header will have this component.js script:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'header',
classNames: ['c-header']
And this will render the following Ember element:
<header id="ember663" class="ember-view c-header">
It is possible to create components with dynamically switching class names.
For instance the component g-section-title's component.js script looks like this:
export default Ember.Component.extend({
classNames: ['section-title'],
tagName: 'div',
classNameBindings: ['isBold:section-title--bold'], // Adds the class name "section-title--bold" when isBold === true
isBold: false // default setting
The isBold
property can then be set when the component is used.
{{#c-section-title isBold=true}}Seasonal Products{{/c-section-title}}
This will render the c-section-title component with the class name section-title--bold
active in the HTML output.
Here's a simple style guide example using Ember Freestyle where {{loading-spinner}}
is a hypothetical component in our application:
{{#freestyle-guide title="My Living Style Guide" subtitle="Showcasing My App's Components"}}
{{#freestyle-section name="UI Elements"}}
{{#freestyle-usage "loading-spinner" title="Loading Spinner"}}
For our styleguide we have defined the freestyle-guide component in the file: /app/pods/styleguide-freestyle/template.hbs. Here we defined the style guide header and initial structure.
We've organized the components in two main categories:
- freestyle-section "Visual Style" - contains general design and styling like typography and color
- freestyle-section "Components" - contains actual page elements
All styleguide components will be organized in the components folder.
Note Prefix names of actual components with "c-
To display the component we need to add it to Ember Freestyle's main template.hbs file.
To make the library of components easier to manage, we have made it possible to include "subsection" components so we don't overload the main "template.hbs" template file.
This way we only need to include the files we want to display.
Example: The "Visual Style" section consists of the partials, "subsection-typography" and "subsection-color":
{{#freestyle-section name='Visual Style' as |section|}}
{{partial 'styleguide-freestyle/subsection-typography'}}
{{partial 'styleguide-freestyle/subsection-color'}}
Note Currently this is a manual process by creating a new template.hbs file within the /app/pods/styleguide-freestyle/ folder and adding the required "Ember Freestyle" syntax.
Example: the contents of the styleguide-freestyle/subsection-buttons/template.hbs:
{{#section.subsection name='buttons'}}
{{#freestyle-usage "c-button1" title="Default Button"}}
{{c-button title="My Button"}}
{{#freestyle-usage "c-button-@block" title="Button as block component"}}
<strong>Block</strong> content <!-- can contain HTML -->
The quickest way to add "data" to be used by the components is by setting up an "Ember service".
ember g service colorpalette --pod
This will create the service in the /app/services
Use this service in the application components by injecting it.
colorPalette: inject.service('colorpalette')
Then use the {{colorPalette}}
variable in your templates, like so:
title='Dummy App Color Palette'
description='This component displays the color palette specified in freestyle/palette.json'
More information can be found in the Ember documentation on the "Customizing a Component's Element" page.
This technique can be used in case you need new complete page layouts.
Wrapping elements in a specific layout can be done using Ember Components applied as block-level elements. The layout components are basically element containers. In short, change the layout component, change the page layout.
When a route should render a page with a specific layout generate a new layout component. Add the new layout component to the "template.hbs" file of the route by using the block notation. The HTML content is therefor wrapped within the component.
Layout components should be prefixed with the string "l-
For example: l-default or l-product-page are good layout component names.
Use ember-cli
ember g component l-my-new-layout
<p>Welcome to our ember project!</p>
The "default layout" page is currently nothing more than a "yield output", with the required HTML to define a specific layout:
<em>Default layout</em>
We can apply Ember Fastboot to render the HTML pages including all components and dynamic parts.
The script will apply wget to go through a predefined list of URLS and copy the HTML into the ./static-dist folder.
Steps to render the Ember application to re-usable HTML files:
- Make sure to have wget and zip installed on your OSX machine. Check the Homebrew documentation on how to do this.
- Install Ember fastboot:
$ember install ember-cli-fastboot
- Start Ember Fastboot server:
$ember fastboot --environment=production --serve-assets
- Add the Ember application routes to go through which need to be rendered to HTML.
- Open another command console (within the project folder) and run
$sh ./
- Check for a static copy of the site in the folder ./static-dist
Make sure to give the file executable rights first:
chmod u+x
If scrape ran successfully you see this file and folder structure:
├── assets
│ ├── ember-sandbox-6b4c4b23e6904e48842c4511fa384c4d.js
│ ├── ember-sandbox-b10dad43d4f464b79cc187772228206f.css
│ ├── images
│ │ └── logo-movento-5ad1b7ed3504328b94aa3c48afba87af.png
│ ├── vendor-8f89c8afa4a30c46d670e84227771a80.js
│ └── vendor-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.css
├── index.html
├── readme
│ └── index.html
└── views
├── index.html
├── order-list
│ └── index.html
└── product-page
└── index.html
The will also generate a deliver folder where it will gather zip files of the generated "static" files.
Important notes:
- We are currently using Ember Fastboot version v1.0.0-beta.4. Development of Ember Fastboot might break things in future releases.
- The proof-of-concept works with on the current Ember Sandbox project while it is very simple. On more complete, full fledged projects, things might break.
- This HTML file rendering will currently only work on mac OSX due to its dependencies on Unix tools, wget and zip.
- The shell script will remove the output folder before every execution.
- JavaScript is not executed by wget so only pure static HTML is saved, hence Ember Fastboot.
- Currently we need to manually take care of the list of pages to render to HTML in the file.
- Static assets like CSS and images are also copied to the ./scrape-dist folder if they are first rendered by ember-cli!
- There are a couple of important "Known Limitations" regarding rendering Ember apps which we need to take into account.
- Add check to the script to see if the required tools are available. Update 2017-07-13 : does a check for wget and zip.
- Add zip generation to the script to automatize the HTML delivery process. Update 2017-07-13 : will now generate zip files.
- Automatically generate a list of routes to go through.
Thanks goes to Martin Malinda for the idea of using wget and a shell script!
Development Browser Extensions