What's new
The "Composite noise" setting now has the same frequency and detail options as chroma noise.
There's a new "Luma noise" setting for finer-grained and higher-frequency noise adjustments than what "Composite noise" can do.
The "Composite preemphasis" setting can now be negative.
Head switching artifacts can now be set to start mid-line, with a transient blip appearing where it begins. This should make it more closely match actual VHS.
The "Chroma demodulation" setting has been optimized. The "Box" and "Notch" settings are 5-10% faster, and the "Comb" settings are both multithreaded now.
Multithreaded FFV1 encoding is now enabled. This should make FFV1 as fast as H.264 on the highest speed setting.
The After Effects plugin should now render properly at 16bpc color depth.