RxLocation is a one-page application used RxSwift. The main functionality is focused on CoreLocation service. App is capture locations data, filter it by specific requirements and shows to the user. It is assumed that this data should be send to the server.
- Using RxSwift
- Using ReactorKit
- Dependency Injection with Swinject and SwinjectAutoregistration
- Testing with RxTest
Transferring of the position data should be periodic and depend on the movement and the following rules:
- The transmission has to be performed at least once per minute (at standstill) and on position change of more than 10 m;
- Transmission should not happen faster than every 10 seconds;
- Button "Transfer current position" should immediately request and send current coordinates of device.
Most of this requirements are described in the TrackingServiceTests and implemented in TrackingService
RxLocation is under MIT License.