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This example application has been deprecated

This project is not updated anymore, but is still visible as an old example for using Java and HTML in Vaadin 14. Please see our starting page for newer project examples.

Beverage Buddy App Starter for Vaadin Flow


This is a Vaadin platform example application created with Java and HTML. It is used to demonstrate features of Vaadin platform.

The easiest way of using it is via - you can choose the vaadin version and the package naming you want. If you want to use it with the latest vaadin version you can use this direct link.

The Starter demonstrates the core Vaadin Flow concepts:


The project can be imported into the IDE of your choice, with Java 8 or 11 installed, as a Maven project.

But additionally you need node.js installed in your System, and available in your PATH. See the Node.js page for the installation instructions.


Dependencies are managed by Vaadin platform and vaadin-maven-plugin.

Running the Project in Developer Mode

  1. Run mvn
  2. Wait for the application to start
  3. Open http://localhost:8080/ to view the application

Note that there are some files/folders generated in the project structure automatically. You can find some information about them here.

Production Mode

  1. Run mvn package -Pproduction to get the artifact.
  2. Deploy the target/beveragebuddy-2.0-SNAPSHOT.war.

If you want to run the production build using the Jetty plugin, use mvn jetty:run -Pproduction and navigate to the http://localhost:8080/.


Brief introduction to the application parts can be found from the documentation folder. For Vaadin documentation for Java users, see

Adding new templates

To add a new template or a style to the project create the JavaScript module in the ./frontend directory.

Then in the PolymerTemplate using the P3 element add the JsModule annotation e.g. @JsModule("./src/views/reviewslist/reviews-list.js")

Branching information

  • master the latest version of the starter, using the latest platform version
  • v10 the version for Vaadin Platform 10
  • v11 the version for Vaadin Platform 11
  • v12 the version for Vaadin Platform 12
  • v13 the version for Vaadin Platform 13