Hardware interface library for NuPhase Phased Array.
This consists of shared libraries to support data taking and a bunch of "examples" that are probably better thought of as tests to make sure things work.
There are two shared libraries:
libnuphase.so (+ nuphase.h):
Defines data types and has utilities for reading/writing/printing the data types. This is useful not just on the DAQ machine but any machine that might interact with the types.
libnuphasedaq.so (+ all others headers)
All the code for communication with the FPGA's, ASPS-DAQ, and other hardware. This is basically only useful on the DAQ machine (a beaglebone-black)
Quick commands:
compile on DAQ:
compile on non-DAQ:
make client
(only makes libnuphase.so, not libnuphasedaq.so) -
make doxygen documentation:
make doc
install to /usr/local:
make install
install elsewhere:
make install PREFIX=/somewhere/else
client install: make install-client
See examples directory. To run, LD_LIBRARY_PATH
must include compiled library (for example by sourcing the provided env.sh)
The ``real software'' to run the station: See nuphase-ice-software