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Serval SOSP'19 Tutorial

This repository contains the code for the Serval tutorial at SOSP'19.

This tutorial is based on our SOSP'19 paper, Scaling symbolic evaluation for automated verification of systems code with Serval. You may find the slides under the slides/ directory.

It requires that you have the following prerequisite tools installed:

  • Racket (tested on 7.4)
  • RISC-V gcc toolchain

Optionally, to run the toy monitor, you will need the QEMU RISC-V emulator installed.

Using Docker

The easiest way to follow this tutorial is to use our provided Docker image to run the code and verification.

If you have Docker installed, you can run the image with:

docker run -it --rm unsat/serval-tutorial-sosp19:latest

This will drop you in to a shell in the tutorial directory with all requisite tools installed. The image comes installed with vim to let you view and edit files. Be careful, when the container exits, all changes will be lost. If you want to keep your changes, remove the --rm from the command above; this will cause Docker to create a persistent container with your local changes.

Installing on Linux

The following will install the RISC-V toolchain on Linux (tested on Ubuntu 19.04).

$ apt-get install git build-essential gdb-multiarch
$ apt-get install qemu-system-misc gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu binutils-riscv64-linux-gnu

Installing on macOS

You can install the RISC-V toolchain and Racket on macOS using homebrew as follows:

$ brew tap riscv/riscv
$ brew install qemu riscv-tools
$ brew cask install racket


  • Toy security monitor
  • Implementation
  • Verification
    • State-machine refinement
      • Introducing a low-level bug
      • Introducing a semantic bug
    • Safety specification
      • Introducing a confidentiality bug
  • Going further

Project layout

monitor/: the implementation of the toy security monitor we will verify.

monitor/verif/: the specification and verification infrastructure for verification of the toy security monitor.

serval/: the Serval framework containing the RISC-V interpreter, symbolic optimizations, and specification libraries.

A toy security monitor

To demonstrate how to use Serval to verify a simple system, we've implemented and specified a toy, security monitor-like system on RISC-V. The security monitor has three system calls:

  • dict_get() -> long
  • dict_set(long) -> void
  • change_user(long) -> void

The system state is an integer for the current user, and a global array containing one integer per user (up to MAXUSER). dict_get and dict_set retrieve and set the value in this array corresponding to the current user, if the current user is less than MAXUSER. change_user(x) changes the the current user to be x.

Running the implementation

monitor/kernel/ contains an implementation of a simple kernel to test the features of the monitor. To run it on top of the toy security monitor, run:

make CONFIG_VERIFICATION=0 -j4 -B qemu-monitor

The toy kernel sets a value, changes users, sets another value, then changes back to the original user. The expected output is as follows:

Hello from ToyMon!
Hello from kernel!
dict_get() -> 5
dict_get -> 2
dict_get -> 5

Afterwards, run make clean to make sure your repository is clean. Otherwise, verification may fail due to the presence of debugging output caused by CONFIG_VERIFICATION=0.


We will use Serval to verify the toy security monitor in two parts. In this section we will look at what at the Rosette code for doing verification, and introduce bugs into the system to see how they affect verification.

You can run all verification test cases with

make verify-monitor

1. State-machine refinement

The first step in verifying this toy security monitor is to prove that the implementation is a state-machine refinement of the specification. This requires the developer to provide three components:

  • Functional specification: an abstract description of the state of the system and state-machine transition (system call).

  • Abstraction function: a function that maps the low-level implementation state to the high-level specification state.

  • Representation invariant: any invariants of the implementation necessary to establish refinement; these are assumed to hold on entry to each system call, and proven to hold after.

The functional specification for the toy monitor is found in monitor/verif/spec.rkt. The abstraction function and representation invariant are found in monitor/verif/impl.rkt, in the abs-function and rep-invariant functions, respectively.

The specification state contains the current user, the dictionary, and the return value of the most recent system call.

The abstraction function reads from memory the relevant parts of the implementation, and wraps them into a specification state.

The representation invariant states that the mtvec and mscratch registers must be constant points to the trap entry function and the security monitor stack, respectively. This is required for the security monitor to correctly handle system calls.

Given these components, we prove state-machine refinement by showing the following: for any implementation state that satisfies the representation invariant, and for any equivalent specification state, if we run the implementation of a system call and the specification of the system call, the results are equivalent and the representation invariant holds on the new implementation state.

Introducing a low-level bug

The implementation of dict_get in monitor/monitor.c checks if current_user is valid before using it as an index into the array of values.

We can remove this check to see what happens in the refinement verification. First, comment out the check in monitor/monitor.c:sys_dict_get as follows:

long sys_dict_get(void)
    // if (current_user < MAXUSER)
        return dictionary[current_user];

    return -1;

Next, re-run the refinement verification with make verify-monitor-refinement. Verification should fail in the "sys_dict_get refinement" test case, with the following output:

Running test "sys_dict_get refinement"
Low-level bug:
 Location: (bv #x000000008000346c 64)
 Message: "marray-path: offset (bvshl current_user$mcell$5 (bv #x0000000000000003 64)) not in bounds (bv #x0000000000000008 64)"
sys_dict_get refinement
name:       check-unsat?
params:     '((model
 [current_user$mcell$5 (bv #x0800000000000000 64)]))

Serval reports various information to help debug the issue.

First, it provides the location of the bug in the form of a program counter in the monitor where the issue occurs. In this case, the problem is at 0x8000346c. You can open o.riscv64/monitor.c.asm to find this location to help you debug. In this case, the problem comes from the fact that Serval cannot prove that the address used in a load instruction is in-bounds, indicating a buffer overflow:

    8000346c:	0007b783          	ld	a5,0(a5)

You can also use addr2line to convert the address to a C source location to help debug the issue, e.g., riscv64-unknown-elf-addr2line -e o.riscv64/monitor.elf 000000008000346c. (Note, you may need to use riscv64-linux-gnu-addr2line depending on how you installed the toolchain.)

Serval also provides a message to help debug the root cause of the issue, in this case, indicating that the problem is a potentially out-of-bounds memory array index.

Finally it provides a concrete state of the system that will trigger the bug. In this case, the generated counterexample is a state where the current user is a very large value that will overflow the array:

[current_user$mcell$5 (bv #x0800000000000000 64)]

Introducing a semantic bug

In addition to proving that the implementation is free of low-level bugs like buffer overflows, Serval must prove that the implementation and specification operations are equivalent. We can test this by introducing a semantic bug in the implementation that causes the behavior of the implementation and specification to differ.

The bug we will introduce is to modify the dict_set system call to not write the new value into the dictionary, as follows:

long sys_dict_set(long value)
    if (current_user < MAXUSER) {
        // dictionary[current_user] = value;
        return 0;

    return -1;

Next, re-run verification with make verify-monitor-refinement. This causes verification to fail with the following output:

Running test "sys_dict_set refinement"
Args: '(1)

spec state:
 retval: 0
 current-user: 0
 dict: '(1 0 0 0)

abs(impl state):
 retval: 0
 current-user: 0
 dict: '(0 0 0 0)

Here, the test case prints the concrete arguments to dict_set and resulting system state that demonstrate the bug.

2. Safety specification

State-machine refinement establishes that the system implementation behaves like the specification. While the specification is more abstract, it's still possible to make the same mistake in the implementation and the specification. To help catch bugs in the specification, developers can write a safety specification on top of the functional specification.

For the toy security monitor, we will use a simple confidentiality property as our safety specification. The goal is to show that the return value of the dict_get system call depends only on values observable by the current user, i.e., that dict_get cannot read values from other users.

We leave more complex properties, such as showing that dict_set does not modify other users' data, as exercises.

This safety property requires the developer to provide an equivalence function, which defines when two specification states appear equivalent to the current user. We then prove confidentiality by showing that, for any two states equivalent to the current user, those states are still equivalent after executing the dict_get system call specification.

The equivalence function and confidentiality definition are located in monitor/verif/safety.rkt. The equivalence relation states that two states are equivalent if, in both of the states, the current user is the same, the return value of the most recent system call is the same, and the value in the dictionary for the current user is the same.

Introducing a confidentiality bug

To test our safety specification, we will introduce a bug in the specification of dict_get that reads a value in the dictionary belonging to another user.

The functional specification for dict_get is located in monitor/verif/spec.rkt. Like the implementation, it retrieves the value of the current user and looks up the value in the dictionary beloning to that user. To violate confidentiality, we will change this function to always return the value beloning to user 1, by replacing the specification with the following:

(define (sys-dict-get st)
  (define current-user (state-current-user st))
  (define dict (state-dict st))

  (if (bvult current-user (bv constants:MAXUSER 64))
     ;; Changed current-user to (bv 1 64) here
     (set-state-retval! st (dict (bv 1 64)))
     (set-state-retval! st (bv -1 64))))

Next, re-run safety verification with make verify-monitor-safety.

This should cause the "confidentiality sys-dict-get" test case to fail with the following output:

Running test "confidentiality sys-dict-get"
Confidentiality violation:
Operation: #<procedure:sys-dict-get>
Arguments: '()

State 1:
 retval: 1
 current-user: 0
 dict: '(0 1 0 0)

State 2:
 retval: 0
 current-user: 0
 dict: '(0 0 0 0)
confidentiality sys-dict-get
name:       check-unsat?
location:   safety.rkt:51:2
   [retval$0 (bv #x0000000000000000 64)]
   [current-user$0 (bv #x0000000000000000 64)]
   [dictionary$0 (fv (bitvector 64)~>(bitvector 64))]
   [retval$1 (bv #x0000000000000000 64)]
   [current-user$1 (bv #x0000000000000000 64)]
   [dictionary$1 (fv (bitvector 64)~>(bitvector 64))]))

The test case prints some information to help debug the confidentiality violation. The output shows the two states after running the dict_get system call. This represents a confidentiality violation because the two states are not equivalent to the current user (user 0), in particular, because the return value does not match. This happens because dict_get always returns the value corresponding to user 1, which is not a value observable to user 0, and thus may differ in the two states.

Going further

This example shows one way of using Serval's RISC-V verifier to prove correct a simple system. If you're interested in the details, you can look in the serval/ directory to see how the verifiers and optimizations are implemented; and even choose to extend a verifier or implement a new one yourself.

For more details, you can look at the Serval SOSP'19 artifact, which contains implementations and specifications of ports of previously verified systems CertiKOS and Komodo; you can go there to see how more complex systems are verified.

The Serval SOSP'19 paper has more details on the techniques used in implementing Serval and retrofitting existing systems for automated verification.


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