$27.2M Nexus Prover Node Cli setup using a service file to run 24/7
Unlock the Power of Verifiable Computation
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Hardware | Minimum Requirement |
CPU | 6 Cores |
RAM | 4 GB |
Disk | 50 GB SSD |
VPS 1 is enough for Nexus Prover
💻 Contabo VPS Deals 🚀 Buy with Credit Card/Paypal/Crypto Credit card :
VPS | Direct Link | Specs |
VPS 1 | Contabo VPS 1 | 4 vCPU Cores, 4 GB RAM, 100 GB NVMe or 400 GB SSD, 1 Snapshot, 32 TB Traffic, Unlimited Incoming |
VPS 2 | Contabo VPS 2 | 6 vCPU Cores, 16 GB RAM, 200 GB NVMe or 400 GB SSD, 2 Snapshots, 32 TB Traffic, Unlimited Incoming |
VPS 3 | Contabo VPS 3 | 8 vCPU Cores, 24 GB RAM, 300 GB NVMe or 1.2 TB SSD, 2 Snapshots, 32 TB Traffic, Unlimited Incoming |
VPS 4 | Contabo VPS 4 | 12 vCPU Cores, 48 GB RAM, 400 GB NVMe or 1.6 TB SSD, 3 Snapshots, 32 TB Traffic, Unlimited Incoming |
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sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev git-all
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
source ~/.bashrc
rustc --version
Remove existing folder and services
sudo systemctl stop nexus.service
sudo systemctl disable nexus.service
rm -rf nexus-cli
git clone https://github.com/nexus-xyz/network-api.git "$HOME/nexus-cli"
cd nexus-cli/clients/cli
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler
protoc --version
result should be libprotoc 3.21.5
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/nexus.service <<EOF
Description=Nexus Prover Cli
ExecStart=$HOME/.cargo/bin/cargo run --release --bin prover -- beta.orchestrator.nexus.xyz
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable nexus.service
sudo systemctl start nexus.service
journalctl -u nexus.service -fn 50
cat $HOME/.nexus/prover-id
Goto : https://beta.nexus.xyz/
Connect and Verify Email, then copy the prover ID (left corner)
Login to VPS
nano $HOME/.nexus/prover-id
Replace the browser proverID then Press CTRL + X, and Press Y and Press Enter.
sudo systemctl restart nexus.service
Check Logs
journalctl -u nexus.service -fn 50
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