.NET API for running utPLSQL v3+ unit tests from .NET applications
var testRunner = new RealTimeTestRunner();
testRunner.Connect(username: "toscamtest", password: "toscamtest", database: "CA40");
// Runs tests for the user tosamtest
var events = new List<@event>();
await testRunner.RunTestsAsync("toscamtest", @event =>
var testRunner = new RealTimeTestRunner();
testRunner.Connect(username: "toscamtest", password: "toscamtest", database: "CA40");
var events = new List<@event>();
string htmlReport = await testRunner.RunTestsWithCoverageAsync(path: "toscamtest",
consumer: @event => { events.Add(@event); },
coverageSchema: "toscam",
includeObjects: new List<string>() { "pa_m720", "pa_m770" });
Releases are published to nuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/utPLSQL.Api/
Please file your bug reports, enhancement requests, questions and other support requests within Github's issue tracker.
- Describe your idea by submitting an issue
- Fork the utPLSQL-PLSQL-Developer respository
- Create a branch, commit and publish your changes and enhancements
- Create a pull request
- Open the utPLSQL.Api.sln solution in Visual Studio
- Build the solution
utPLSQL .NET API is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.