Releases: usnistgov/mosaic
Change Log
Bug fix release.
Change Log
- Added a new MOSAIC examples repository that contains plotting scripts and Jupyter notebooks (
- Added the CUSUM+ algorithm (see pull requests #34, #43, #45, and #46)
- Added the ability to read arbitrary binary files.
- Renamed StepResponseAnalysis to ADEPT 2-state.
- Renamed multiStateAnalysis to ADEPT.
- CUSUM+ is now used to generate initial guesses for ADEPT
- Streamlined unit test framework. Added new tests for CUSUM+.
- Updated MOSAIC dependencies to include newer package versions and pandas. Run 'python mosaic_deps' to update.
- Added a new metadata column (mdStateResTime) that saves the residence time of each state to the database. This affects ADEPT and CUSUM+.
- Processing time per event is now saved to the database.
- Added support for warning status codes that begin with 'w'. These codes preserve metadata in the SQLite output and are used to flag events that need closer inspection.
- Removed mosaicgui from PyPi. 'pip install mosaic-nist' only installs command line modules.
- Top level ConvertTrajIO supports binary and ASCII files.
- Added Travis continous integration support.
- [GUI] Added a table that displays fit parameters in the event viewer window.
- [GUI] Added more descriptive fit errors.
- [GUI] Added CUSUM+ support to MOSAIC GUI.
- [GUI] Export SQLITE database to CSV (#56).
- [GUI] Support for warning codes in fit event viewer.
- [GUI] Performance optimizations.
- [GUI] Fit window in MOSAIC GUI displays idealized pulses overlays.
- [GUI] Added additional analysis statistics.
- [Addons] Added CUSUM+ support to Mathematica addon (PlotEvents in MosaicUtils.m)
- [Addons] Mathematica queries are optionally handled through an external Python script to improve performance.
- [Addons] Added an option to limit PlotEvents in Mathematica addon to N events.
- Known Issues: See #8, #10, #40, #63 and #69.
v1.3 Beta 3
Change Log
Added a new MOSAIC examples repository that contains plotting scripts and Jupyter notebooks (
Added the CUSUM+ algorithm (see pull requests #34, #43, #45, and #46)
Added the ability to read arbitrary binary files.
Renamed StepResponseAnalysis to ADEPT 2-state.
Renamed multiStateAnalysis to ADEPT.
CUSUM+ is now used to generate initial guesses for ADEPT
Streamlined unit test framework. Added new tests for CUSUM+.
Updated MOSAIC dependencies to include newer package versions and pandas. Run 'python mosaic_deps' to update.
Added a new metadata column (mdStateResTime) that saves the residence time of each state to the database. This affects ADEPT and CUSUM+.
Processing time per event is now saved to the database.
Added support for warning status codes that begin with 'w'. These codes preserve metadata in the SQLite output and are used to flag events that need closer inspection.
Removed mosaicgui from PyPi. 'pip install mosaic-nist' only installs command line modules.
Top level ConvertTrajIO supports binary and ASCII files.
Added Travis continous integration support.
[GUI] Added a table that displays fit parameters in the event viewer window.
[GUI] Added more descriptive fit errors.
[GUI] Added CUSUM+ support to MOSAIC GUI.
[GUI] Export SQLITE database to CSV (#56).
[GUI] Support for warning codes in fit event viewer.
[GUI] Performance optimizations.
[GUI] Fit window in MOSAIC GUI displays idealized pulses overlays.
[GUI] Added additional analysis statistics.
[Addons] Added CUSUM+ support to Mathematica addon (PlotEvents in MosaicUtils.m)
[Addons] Mathematica queries are optionally handled through an external Python script to improve performance.
[Addons] Added an option to limit PlotEvents in Mathematica addon to N events.
Known Issues: See #8, #10, #40, #63 and #69.
Version 1.2
Version 1.1
Version 1.0
- Fixed a bug in multistate code that constrained the RC constant resulting in systematic fitting errors (pull request #25).
- Updated multistate to include a separate RC constant for each state, to be consistent with functional form in Balijepalli et al., ACS Nano 2014.
- Misc bug fixes in tsvTrajIO parsing.
- The number of states is saved to the MDIO DB for multistate analysis (issue #26).
- Created a new package on PyPI (mosaic-nist) to allow installation with setuptools.
- [GUI] Updated help link to point to Sphinx documentation on Github.
- Known Issues: See #8 and #10
Third Beta, Update 2
Third Beta, Update 1
- [GUI] Added multiState support to mosaicgui.
- Analysis information such as alogirthms used, data type, etc. are now stored within a MDIO database.
- [GUI] Autocomplete in mosaicgui only suggests database columns that are valid when used in a query.
- Reorganized Mathematica addon code.
Third Beta
- Fixed a bug that prevented events longer than ~700 data points from being correctly analyzed.
- Fixed a problem that prevented event data from being correctly padded before analysis.
- Resolves #2. TrajIO settings are now read in from the settings file.
- [GUI] Resolves #3. Threshold entry box in GUI becomes nonresponsive when meanOpenCurr is negative.
- [GUI] Resolves #4. Analysis fails when using wavletDenioseFilter from GUI.
- [GUI] Histogram in BlockDepthViewer window can be saved to a CSV file from the File Menu.
- Analysis log is saved to the MDIO database.
- [GUI] ConsoleLogViwer displays the analysis log saved in the MDIO database.
- [GUI] Added a new dialog that displays an experimental feature warning wavelet-based denoising is selected.
- Updated error codes reported in database to be more descriptive of the failure.
- Improved and expanded unit testing framework.
- Moved installation and testing to setuptools.
Second Beta
- [GUI] Fixed threshold update error from 1.0b1.
- Considerably improved automatic open channel state detection.
- The default settings string is now included within the source code.
- Implemented new top-level class ConvertToCSV that allows conversion of data read by any TrajIO object to comma separated files.
- Updated build system and unit testing framework.
- [GUI] Misc UI updates.