Third Beta
- Fixed a bug that prevented events longer than ~700 data points from being correctly analyzed.
- Fixed a problem that prevented event data from being correctly padded before analysis.
- Resolves #2. TrajIO settings are now read in from the settings file.
- [GUI] Resolves #3. Threshold entry box in GUI becomes nonresponsive when meanOpenCurr is negative.
- [GUI] Resolves #4. Analysis fails when using wavletDenioseFilter from GUI.
- [GUI] Histogram in BlockDepthViewer window can be saved to a CSV file from the File Menu.
- Analysis log is saved to the MDIO database.
- [GUI] ConsoleLogViwer displays the analysis log saved in the MDIO database.
- [GUI] Added a new dialog that displays an experimental feature warning wavelet-based denoising is selected.
- Updated error codes reported in database to be more descriptive of the failure.
- Improved and expanded unit testing framework.
- Moved installation and testing to setuptools.