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neatnet: Street Geometry Processing Toolkit

Continuous Integration codecov


neatnet offers a set of tools pre-processing of street network geometry aimed at its simplification. This typically means removal of dual carrieageways, roundabouts and similar transportation-focused geometries and their replacement with a new geometry representing the street space via its centerline. The resulting geometry shall be closer to a morphological representation of space than the original source, that is typically drawn with transportation in mind (e.g. OpenStreetMap).


import neatnet

simplified = neatnet.simplify_network(gdf)


While we consider the API stable, the project is young and may be evolving fast. All contributions are very welcome, see our guidelines in

Recommended Citations

The package is a result of a scientific collaboration between The Research Team on Urban Structure of Charles University (USCUNI), NEtwoRks, Data, and Society research group of IT University Copenhagen (NERDS) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

If you use neatnet for a research purpose, please consider citing the original paper introducing it.

Canonical Citation (primary)


Repository Citation (secondary)



The development has been supported by the Charles University’s Primus program through the project "Influence of Socioeconomic and Cultural Factors on Urban Structure in Central Europe", project reference PRIMUS/24/SCI/023.

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