This is a Claim Management web service to expose primary CRUD operation to Get, Create and Delete Claim. It is a REST based service. This webservice developed using Microsoft DotNet technology ASP.Net MVC5-WebAPI2 with .Net Framework version 4.5. It also has an emebeded test client to test webservice.
- After downloading this project , please open it in either Visual Studio 2012 or 2013 or 2015.
- Once you are able to build this solution then Start running by selecting one Browser.
- Webpage will load with welcome brief description about the service and a link to show documention.
- Click on Show Documentation link to see all exposed methods in this API.
- You will redirect to another detailed page, if click on each operations.
- You should able to find a Test API button at bottom right corner of the page.
- A popup box will appear to test API method upon clicking above mentioned button.
- WebAPI2 With ASP.Net MVC Framework.
- C# Language.
- Repository Pattern.
- Sql Server Local dababase file(.mdf)
- Entity Framework.
- Dependency injection With Ninject.
- Microsoft UnitTesting Framework With MOQ.
API | Description |
POST Claims/Claim | Creates the claim. |
GET Claims/Id/{claimId} | Gets the claim by identifier. |
GET Claims/ClaimNo/{claimNo} | Gets the claim by claim no. |
GET Claims/LossDate/{minDate}/{maxDate} | Gets the claim by loss date. |
GET Claims/Claim/{claimNo}/Vehicle/{vin} | Gets the vehicle of claim. |
DELETE Claims/Claim?claimNo={claimNo} | Deletes the claim. |
- Update is not implemented because of gap in the requirements. Requirements says to update only fields witch are passed in the XML.VIN is not mandatory in the Vehicle Schema, and i am not sure wheather user will pass anyother primary key to update claim and vehicle details.
- Assuming that user will pass date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD-YYYY while calling Claims/LossDate.
- I have incorporated Validations that are mentioned in the XSD. However I can extend it more if required to implement any other validations.
- I have used Sql serve local MDF file to store claim data. I have placed this file in ProcessClaimService/App_Data.
- I can extend this API more depending upon furthur requirements.
This is the Databse table structure to store claim information.