Prototypical implementation of a Framework for detecting Bots on Twitter using Supervised Machine-Learning which I designed for my Bachelor Thesis.
- Collecting Twitter accounts
- By global tweet stream (keywords, hashtags)
- By lists of account-IDs
- single accounts
- Classification of Twitter accounts as bot or human
- Feature engineering
- Training a Machine-Learning model
- Testing the performance of feature matrices
- with different Machine-Learning algorithms
- k-fold-cross validation
- performance with different datasets
- Accuracy and AUC as performance indicators
- Classifying accounts with trained Model
- single accounts
- whole datasets
- Python 3.8.8
- Installation of dependencies over pip:
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
- Twitter-API access
- scikit-learn for Machine-Learning tasks
- joblib for serializing trained models
- sqlite3 for persisting data
- tweepy 3.10.0 for Twitter-API access
- PyQtWebEngine for displaying Twitter profiles for easier classification of accounts
- retrieving account- and tweet-data of 1500 accounts in 12-14 minutes (API restriction resets after 15 minutes -> no multithreading implemented)
- loading 34766 Twitter accounts with their Tweet-data into the AccountData runtime-variable takes about 10 seconds
For a quick but detailed overview please look into the examples folder and the command-line interface.
The data of Twitter accounts gets translated into a python-dictionary, called uObject, which also contains a list of the 20 most recent Tweets. Within the Collect_cl() component data gets cached in a list of uObject dictionaries called AccountData.
Method | Description |
setAPIcredentials(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, secret_token) | set Twitter-API credentials |
openDB(path) | Open sqlite3 database |
parseDataset(path) | Parsing Twitter Accounts from a .csv or .tsv file (AccountID:Classification) and saving the accounts with their tweets into the AccountData variable |
parseDatasetToDB(path) | Same as previous method, but directly saving the data to the SQLite database |
parse_from_stream_by_keyword(keyword, amount) | retrieving n Twitter accounts with their tweet data by parsing the global filtered Tweet-stream and saving the data to the AccountData variable |
addAccount(handle) | Adding a Twitter account with its Tweet-data to the AccountData variable using its handle |
getAccount(handle) | Getting a Twitter account with its Tweet-data using its handle. The return value is an uObject. |
saveAccountsToDB(overwrite=True) | Saving the data from the AccountData variable to the SQLite database |
saveAccountToDB(uObject, overwrite=True) | Save a specific uObject to the SQLite database |
getDB() | Loading all Twitter accounts with their Tweet-data from the SQLite database into the AccountData variable |
get_unannotated_from_DB() | Loading all unclassified accounts into the AccountData variable |
get_single_unannotated_from_DB() | Loading the next unclassified account into the AccountData variable |
get_bots_from_DB() | Load all accounts classified as Bot into the AccountData variable |
get_humans_from_DB() | Load all accounts classified as Human into the AccountData variable |
get_annotated() | Get all accounts which got classified |
annotate(id_str, bot) | Classifying an account as human or bot |
deleteAccount(id_str) | Delete an account with its Tweet-data from the SQLite database |
clearDataFrame() | Clear the feature matrix |
clearAccountData() | Clear the AccountData variable |
exportAnnotated(path_accounts) | Export all classified accounts to a .csv file (AccountID:Classification) |
reloadFeautes() | Reloading the feature class after adding or modifying a feature |
generateFeatures() | Generate a feature matrix using all accounts from the AccountData variable and a list of feature names |
exportDFcsv(path) | Export the feature matrix to a .csv file |
Method | Description |
load_csv() | Loading feature matrix from .csv |
set_data(df) | Loading feature matrix from Pandas dataframe |
tryDecisionTree('params') | Getting accuracy and AUC |
tryRandomForest('params') | Getting accuracy and AUC |
tryAdaBoost('params') | Getting accuracy and AUC |
tryLogisticRegression('params') | Getting accuracy and AUC |
benchmark() | Getting accuracy and AUC for all algorithms and using the default parameters |
getbestalgorithmbyacc() | Get algorithm with highest accuracy value and using the default parameters |
getbestalgorithmbyauc() | Get algorithm with highest AUC value and using the default parameters |
trainRandomForest('params') | Train a model using RandomForest |
trainDecisionTree('params') | Train a model using DecisionTree |
trainAdaBoost('params') | Train a model using AdaBoost |
trainLogisticRegression('params') | Train a model using LogisticRegression |
exportModel(path) | Export trained model to file |
crossvalidateModel(path) | Validate (accuracy and AUC) your trained model with a different dataset by providing another feature matrix |
loadModel(path) | Load a previously trained model |
Method | Description |
__init__(model, featurelist) | The constructor needs the trained model and a list of used features |
setAPIcredentials(consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, secret_token) | set Twitter-API credentials |
predict(handle) | Classify a single Twitter account as human or bot using the trained model |
predictByuObject(uObject) | Classify an account by already retrieved account data |