Components to Nette form Plugins
Configure extension to config.neon
urbitechForms: URBITECH\Forms\DI\FormsExtension
Require Components
"urbitech/forms": "^3.0",
"frontpack/composer-assets-plugin": "dev-master"
Component frontpack/composer-assets-plugin is component for move assets file from vendor to www directory Asterisk "*" in urbitech/forms can be replace with concreate version of repository. For example: "^2.4"
SetUp of assets folder removement
"config": {
"assets-files": {
"urbitech/forms": [
"assets-target": {
"urbitech/forms": "www/assets/urbitech-forms"
On localhost is necessary disable secure-http
"secure-http": false,
Set country for search
->setOption("data-country", "cz")
It's possible to set more countries coma separated.
->setOption("data-country", "cz,sk")
Set linked container with map
->setOption("data-urbitech-form-position", "MAP_CONTAINER_ID")
Set linked container with address
->setOption("data-urbitech-form-address", "ADDRESS_CONTAINER_ID")
Set custom container ID. If is unset, aplication use container name
->setOption("controls-id", "CUSTOM_ID")
Show / Hide button for use whispered data from form to map (for addressInput)
->setOption('data-useButton', 1)
Allow autofill position in map when address form is used (for addressInput)
->setOption('data-autofill-position', 1)
Allow autofill address to form after map click (for positionInput)
->setOption('data-autofill-address', 1)
Allow draggable mode on map marker
->setOption('data-marker-draggable', 1)
Less styles requires Bootstrap variables
@import "variables.less";