The official PHP Elasticsearch client integrated with Laravel.
The current version of Elastic Client has been tested with the following configuration:
- PHP 7.4-8.x
- Elasticsearch 8.x
- Laravel 6.x-10.x
The library can be installed via Composer:
composer require babenkoivan/elastic-client
To change the client settings you need to publish the configuration file first:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Elastic\Client\ServiceProvider"
In the newly created config/elastic.client.php
file you can define the default connection name and describe multiple
connections using configuration hashes. You can read more about building the client from a configuration hash here.
return [
'default' => env('ELASTIC_CONNECTION', 'default'),
'connections' => [
'default' => [
'hosts' => [
env('ELASTIC_HOST', 'localhost:9200'),
// you can also set HTTP client options (which is Guzzle by default) as follows
'httpClientOptions' => [
'timeout' => 2,
If you need more control over the client creation, you can create your own client builder:
// see Elastic\Client\ClientBuilder for the reference
class MyClientBuilder implements Elastic\Client\ClientBuilderInterface
public function default(): Client
// should return a client instance for the default connection
public function connection(string $name): Client
// should return a client instance for the connection with the given name
Do not forget to register the builder in your application service provider:
class MyAppServiceProvider extends Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider
public function register()
$this->app->singleton(ClientBuilderInterface::class, MyClientBuilder::class);
Use Elastic\Client\ClientBuilderInterface
to get access to the client instance:
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use OpenSearch\Client;
use Elastic\Client\ClientBuilderInterface;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
class CreateIndex extends Command
protected $signature = 'create:index {name}';
protected $description = 'Creates an index';
public function handle(ClientBuilderInterface $clientBuilder)
// get a client for the default connection
$client = $clientBuilder->default();
// get a client for the connection with name "write"
$client = $clientBuilder->connection('write');
'index' => $this->argument('name')