- Day 1 :: Introduction and Evolution of architecture
- Day 2 :: Design microservice
- Day 3 :: Present
- Day 4 :: Introduction to RESTful API
- Day 5 :: Design RESTful API
- Day 6 :: Develop microservice with Spring Boot + Present
- Day 7 :: Develop microservice with Spring Boot
- Day 8 :: Patterns and Technologies to develop microservice
- Day 9 :: Service communication (Synchronous and Asynchronous) + Present
- Day 10 :: Containerization with Docker
- Day 11 :: Containerization 🆕
- Day 12 :: Monitoring and Logging
- Day 13 :: API gateway + (Present)
- Day 14 :: Scaling service + + (Present)
- Day 15 :: Present
- 40 => Midterm(20) และ Final (20)
- 40 => Mini project (Group)
- 20 => Quiz