This plugin is almost ready for beta release... but not yet. I am currently doing some integration testing and it should be stable for others to use, but I wouldn't reccomend it as of right now.
Adds additional property types and configuration options to Obsidian's core Properties View plugin!
This property aims to extend and seamlessly integrate into the existing metadata properties core-feature.
In order to be so closely integrated with core features, this plugin makes heavy use of the undocumented Obsidian API and uses a few monkey-patches around existing app functions.
Because of the above, this plugin is prone to unforeseen, breaking changes on new updates to the Obsidian application.
If you use this plugin, I would recommend you turn off automatic updates for Obsidian or be prepared to open bug reports and/or wait for fixes when Obsidian updates release.
Numerous property types are added to Obsidian!
Changes to built-in types
Better Properties heavily prefers to create new types as opposed to modifying existing types that Obsidian has built in. Therefore, requests to add/change functionality to built-in types will likely not be completed.
Type | Summary |
Button | Perform an action on clicking the button |
Color | A color input using native HTML functionality |
Dropdown | A select input to choose from a set of options |
Group | An object of additional sub-properties |
Markdown | Live-preview enabled markdown editor |
Number+ | A number input with added action buttons |
Progress | A progress bar from 0% - 100% |
Relation | Display a property from another note that is updated bi-directionally |
Slider | A slider input with customizable limits |
Stars | A number of stars that act like a rating input |
Time | A time input (no date) |
Toggle | A toggle input that acts the same as a checkbox |
Added functionaly has been added to the property editor for notes.
Feature | Summary |
Hidden properties | Set properties as "hidden", which will hide them by default when opening a note until "show hidden" is clicked. |
Sort properties | Reorder properties based on name, type, or a UPCOMING template |
Synchronize properties | Sync properties between a template note and notes that correlate with it. |
Dataview tables become enabled with editing functionality for each property with our wrapper.
[!NOTE] But Datacore...? This wrapper has a different goal than Datacore. To put it simply, this wrapper just renders the property widgets that are normally used in the frontmatter property editor... plus some other things like pagination and other basic table-editing features.
Simply change your block language to datavie-bp
then press space and type and ID like the following:
```dataview-bp SOME-ID
TABLE col1, col2
FROM #tag
Dataview gotchas
- Only TABLE queries are allowed
- GROUP BY is not allowed
- Inline properties are not supported
- Use the
property to properly update note tags (notfile.tags
An ID for each dataview-bp
is needed to associate a block with stored configuration like whether to show property type icons.
I have previously experimented with storing this configuration as YAML inside the codeblock markdown, but have decided instead to use an ID system for the following reasons:
- Updates to the source text of a codeblock will always cause a re-render which can cause unnecessary re-renders which complicates certain features
- Makes blocks incompatible with Dataview syntax
- Can't share configuration between blocks in different places
- More prone to accidental (breaking) changes by users/other pugins/etc.
However, this approach does have some cons
- Less portable for users to copy and paste elsewhere
- Unused ID cofigs may take up disk space
You can automatically check for unused IDs in the plugin settings and choose to delete them.
Please open [open an issue] to request new ones or feature requests to existing types. If your request has already been opened, please give it a thumbs up to show your support for it.
If you'd like to contribute to a bug fix or feature request, please feel free to submit a PR.
- Custom icon by property name
- Custom icon and text colors
- Mass update properties
- Delete properties from all notes
- Specify default hidden properties
- These will be hidden until the "Show hidden" button is clicked
- Dropdown
- Customizable options values and labels
- Toggle
- Color
- Slider
- can set min, max, step, and if limits should be displayed
- Button
- run inline JavaScript, a JavaScript file, or a command. (more options TBD)
- Markdown (live preview)
- Obsidian only considers links here as "real" links (those that show in graph view, etc.) if the link is the only thing in the value.
- Number+
- can set a min, max, and update via an expression
- Stars
- can set custom star icon and count
- Dropdown
- Slider
- Toggle
- Color
- Number+
- Markdown
- Stars
- Button
- JS
- Essentially a "custom" type. Executes arbitrary JS that receives the normal arguments provided to type widget render functions, allowing users to make a practically custom type widget
- Progress
- May or may not do this. Most people probably would want JS to update this dynamically which is better suited for the JS type
- Date range
- Group (nested object)
- Cycle
- Time
- ...more?? (open an issue for a FR with suggestions!)
Additional options shown when clickong in the icon next to the property key
- delete property from all notes
- mass update property
- rename property
- configure property settings
- Show and link to notes that have this property
- change icon for property
- ...more?
- zod for validation
- translation (i18Next) support
- Replace all hardcoded strings
- Make guide for contributing translations and what are currently added/reviewed
- sync with template
- Customizable template-id property name
- Customiable template proeprty name
- Sync properties option in more options button menu
- Option to show warning
- Option to delete extra properties
- set groups for property names
- tried this by patching the
prototype, but I could only move the rendered property after it was rendered, which causes an ugly flash of it being moved, plus some weird duplication I couldn't figure out.
- tried this by patching the
- nested properties
- a way to do 'grouped' properties that are just objects in YAML. Dataview already supports these, so I could use them to create a copy of the metdataEditor for each nested property 'group'.
- render property within regular and inline codeblocks
- First implementation ready, need to review and refine
- Need to replace hard coded strings with i18next
- Doesn't render in table cells. For reference, it looks like dataview has this issue but meta-bind doesn't.
- Fixed. However, when you click the cell obsidian switches the cell from reading to live-preview and places the cursor in the code text and unrenders the widget. Don't know a solution yet. Meta-bind has the same problem.
- allow render of individual property editors that can update the current note or other notes.
- inline code something like
&=propertyName: <string>, fileName: <string | undefined>, cssClass: <string | undefined>
- Codeblock something like
propertyName: <string> filePath: <string | undefined> (defaults to current note) cssClass: <string | undefined>
- First implementation ready, need to review and refine