/Link: https://leakit.netlify.app/
- This is an anonymous forum application created in MERN stack.
- It's inspired by 4chan forum application which initially was anonymous
- It can be used to confess.express.chat anonymously.
- Only IP of users are stored nothing else.
- Board- There are boards, boards encapsulates all other objects like threads and replies.
- Person can create a board and reply to threads or other replies
- No authentication needed
- Just a session is created for each user who visits inside mongdo db database using mongodb store package from npm.
There are 3 core/base routes:
- Board route:
- Reply route:
- Thread route:
- SUB ROUTES FOR /boards :-
GET /board
POST /create
- SUB ROUTES FOR /reply :-
GET /replies
GET /childReplies
GET /thread
POST /create
- SUB ROUTES FOR /thread :-
GET /threads
GET /thread
GET /threads/board
POST /create
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/unreal0901/anonymous_forum.git
For running the project locally, first clone the project using git clone
- Project has 2 sections
- frontend directory
- backend directory
- node and npm should be installed
Go to the project directory
cd backend
npm i
npm run start
cd ..
cd frontend
npm i
npm run start
With this both backend and frontend will be running locally in development environment.
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
="http://localhost:8000" (replace with your backend url)
MONGODB_USERNAME=(any username for mongodb)
MONGODB_DATABASE_NAME=(Enter any database name)