This connector abstracts the Eclipse Che API, providing methods to easily obtain specific information about a user and their workspaces.
Use the package manager npm to install the SmartCLIDE connector.
npm install @unparallel/smartclide-che-rest-client
import Connector from '@unparallel/smartclide-che-rest-client';
let connector = new Connector(baseURL);
// Create workspace with the given devfile
connector.createWorkspace(keycloakToken, devfile);
// Get list of all workspaces
// Get list of all workspaces of the given type
connector.getWorkspacesWithType(keycloakToken, workspaceType);
// Get N most recent workspaces
connector.getLatestWorkspaces(keycloakToken, n);
// Get details of a given workspace
connector.getWorkspace(keycloakToken, workspaceID);
// Check if given workspace exists
connector.workspaceExists(keycloakToken, workspaceName);
// Launch the given workspace
connector.startWorkspace(keycloakToken, workspaceID);
// Update the given workspace with the provided data
connector.updateWorkspace(keycloakToken, workspaceID, data);
// Stop the given workspace
connector.stopWorkspace(keycloakToken, workspaceID);
// Delete the given workspace
connector.deleteWorkspace(keycloakToken, workspaceID);