This is a template for using the service-connector npm package that allows to easily create a service connect different clouds, databases, APIs, services, and others.
The source code and documentation is available in Service-Connector-Core.
You need to be logged in to use the template to create your own Service Connector repository.
It is also possible to clone this repo to test and see how it works before using the template.
Run the Service Connector with:
node start.js
Use the included Dockerfile to create a docker image and run it.
docker build -t service-connector . --no-cache
docker run -d service-connector
Check if the container if running and see the output.
docker ps
docker logs <CONTAINER-ID>
To stop the container use:
docker stop <CONTAINER-ID>
Use the included docker-compose.yml to run with docker-compose.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
Check if the container if running and see the output.
docker ps
docker logs <CONTAINER-ID>
Stop the Service Connector with:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
Use the included docker-compose.yml to create a docker stack.
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml service-connector
Check if the container if running and see the output.
docker stack ls
docker ps
docker logs <CONTAINER-ID>
Stop the Service Connector stack with:
docker stack rm service-connector
If you'd like to report a bug or a missing feature, please use GitHub issue tracker.
This software is free and is distributed under the MIT License.