This is a repository for the data science workshop in Python to be conducted by Unnati | Hasgeek
- Curriculum - The scope of the workshop.
- Installation - To get yourself ready for the workshop.
- Schedule - The broad schedule for the workshop
- Introduction - The overall introduction to the workshop.
- Overview - The overview presentation for the workshop. (Overview Slides)
- Intro to Data Structures in Python - Get started with Python.
Case Studies
- Case #1 - Peeling the Onion - Price & Quantity of Onion across in India.
- Case #2 - Hard Disk Failure - Hard Disk Failure Rates @ Backblaze
- Case #3 - Shining Diamonds - Price of Diamonds based on 4Cs (Carat, Colour, Cut and Clarity)
- Case #4 - Wine Selection - Selecting a good Red Wine to drink
- Case #5 - Kaggle Competition - Entering your first kaggle competition