is a basic framework for administration backend purposes. It is heavily based on Bootstrap and inherited_resources.
It is focused on the DRY principle throughout.
Through template inheritance there is hardly more to do, than creating an empty controller for your model. It completely implements all CRUD methods and provides default views for them. If you want, you can override a lot, of course.
In your Gemfile:
gem 'bootstrap-sass'
gem 'unknown_admin'
Run bundle install
from the command line:
bundle install
It is possible that v8 engine libraries need to be installed
brew install v8
Also run the unknown_admin generator to install the asset files for the admin-backend
rails generate unknown_admin:install
Add following line to one of your initializers, if you want to use strong parameters
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection)
You can generate an admin controller by using... model must exist for this to work!
rails g unknown_admin:controller ModelName
If you do want to add your routes manually, use this:
rails g unknown_admin:controller ModelName --skip-routes