Hi! My name is Danil
. I'm a 19yo
backend developer from Rostov-on-Don
, Russia who is curious about software engineering, architecture and system design. Have been studying for my bachelor's degree
in computer science at the Don State Technical University since 2022. Dramatically unemployed
🥇 Crowd Parlay — a C2C bet aggregation platform on microservices
- languages: C# TypeScript SQL Cypher HTML SCSS
- technologies: 🦄 RabbitMQ MassTransit SignalR gRPC Redis .NET 8 ASP.NET Core React Postgres Neo4j OpenAPI OAuth 2.0 OpenID Connect Docker Kubernetes Istio GitHub Actions
- architecture: Microservices Event-driven Service mesh
- workflow: >5 contributors GitLab CI/CD Kanban Conventional commits Miro
🥈 Hide This Bot
— an inline Telegram bot ever used by >10k people worldwide
- languages: Python
- technologies: Aiogram PeeWee
🥉 Radzinsky
— a Telegram bot primarily used for chat-management and entertainment
- languages: C#
- technologies: .NET 8 ASP.NET Core EF Core Hangfire Mapster Docker Telegram.Bots