Releases: undefined06855/EditorMusic
still not bumping that minor version 🔥
now you can listen to pannenkoek's sm64 invisible walls video as an mp3 through editormusic because i fixed longer songs
- Fix songs longer than one hour or take up more space than memory available on the system
- Make reading metadata more consistent and less crashable when filtering invalid characters
- Include more information in crashlogs and add more error checking
forgot to push this, made it a few hours ago
ive known multiple artists arent formatted correctly since i made the mod but never bothered to fix it because nobody really cares
also last update broke windowproc hooks
and the windowproc close hook
- Format multiple artists correctly
- Fix hardware buttons not working and music not closing when game is closed
- Refixed other crash issues when closing the game with the song popup open
maybe i should bump minor version instead of just patch for the TWELFTH time
mod preview images technically dont actually do anything in the actual binary, only in the gh repo
still included in changelog because might as well right
- Fixed issues with changing between fullscreen and windowed
- Fixed other crash issues when closing the game with the song popup open
- Mod preview images!
eleventh patch update this is crazy 😭
this literally changes like 5 characters to change false
to m_isPaused
- Fixed issues that caused songs to start playing if it's meant to be paused on levels that take a long time to load
i was bored so new logo
just updaretd the mod earlier today so idk cool ig
- New logo!
memory leak when reloading songs because i never released a ccimage for the album cover
i released the cctexture though and i thought that would also release the ccimage
- Fixed a memory leak when reloading songs
so nobody told me about this??? anyway i only found this out when i was playing cr with a friend and we both crashed on swap so that's great
- Fixed issues with Creation Rotation and other mods
customkeybinds for macaroni os just released, not tested hope it's fine
- Added Custom Keybinds support for MacOS
uh oh i didnt check for this when adding the next song label
- Fixed issues with zero songs
another feature editomusic update is crazy
though this fixes some bugs so idk
thanks to bitz for suggesting media button support
- Add physical media button support
- Fixed issues with Quick Volume Controls
- Made music stop instantly when the game is closed